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Languages and Initial Setup

Make sure Xcode and Command Line Tools are installed. Install Homebrew. Check for the latest installation instructions.

After homebrew is setup install the basic tools:

brew install git tig macvim tmux


If Java is not installed java -version (on macOS) will open a window linking to the installer. There are alternatives available in Homebrew such as AdoptOpenJDK. The adoptopenjdk formulae run package installers so require a root or sudo password.

# Access adoptopenjdk formulae
brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk
# Install the latest from adoptopenjdk
brew install --cask adoptopenjdk
# Install useful versions for lambda development
brew install --cask adoptopenjdk8 adoptopenjdk11 adoptopenjdk14 adoptopenjdk15

To set a specific JDK version, see homebrew-openjdk.

# adoptopenjdk8 = 1.8
# adoptopenjdk11 = 11
# adoptopenjdk14 = 14
# adoptopenjdk15 = 15
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v <version>)


Ruby versions can be managed with rbenv and installed with ruby-install.

brew install rbenv ruby-install

List ruby versions available with rbenv install -l.


Python versions can be managed with pyenv.

brew install pyenv

List Python versions available with pyenv install -l.

Get and Setup dotfiles

mkdir -p ~/Documents/code && cd ~/Documents/code
git clone git://
git submodule update --init


Sourcing the bash_login file as below can also be done in a .profile file if .bash_login doesn't already exist.

# Include the bash_login file from dotfiles
echo "source \$HOME/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/bash_login" > ~/.profile
# Link the starship configuration.
mkdir -p ~/.config
ln -s $HOME/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/starship.toml ~/.config/starship.toml


# Link the vim directory from dotfiles to $HOME
ln -s $HOME/Documents/code/dotconfig/vim ~/.vim
# Source the vimrc and gvimrc files from dotfiles in the editor defaults
echo "source ~/.vim/vimrc" > ~/.vimrc
echo "source ~/.vim/gvimrc" > ~/.gvimrc


# Create an "include" block in the root git config file
echo "[include]" > ~/.gitconfig
# Source the gitconfig file from dotfiles
echo "  path = Documents/code/dotconfig/config/gitconfig" >> ~/.gitconfig
# Copy a global gitignore file into place
cp ~/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/gitignore ~/.gitignore

mutt and friends

Make it possible to read mail locally and offline from the terminal (or anything supporting Maildir). Open up the 'Keychain Access' app and add the entries for IMAP and SMTP servers referenced in config/offlineimap/offlineimaprc and config/msmtprc. IMAP entries have should have a 'where' of; SMTP entries should have a 'where' of smtp:// See Steve Losh's the Homely Mutt, specifically the section on Retrieving Passwords for more information about setting this up.

The above description is kept as a reference for historical reasons but the currenet set of configuration is using the 1Password CLI tool to retrieve passwords from an "offlineimap" vault.

# Install the tools for syncing, reading and sending email locally
brew install lynx msmtp mutt isync offlineimap
# Install the 1Password CLI
brew cask install 1password-cli
# Add the command line tool for searching the macOS contacts
brew install keith/formulae/contacts-cli
# Link dotfiles for these tools into the home directory
ln -s ~/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/mutt ~/.mutt
ln -s ~/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/offlineimap ~/.offlineimap
ln -s ~/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/msmtprc ~/.msmtprc
ln -s ~/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/offlineimap/offlineimaprc ~/.offlineimaprc
ln -s ~/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/isync/mbsyncrc ~/.mbsyncrc
# Link the cert bundle into the volume where maildirs are stored
ln -s ~/Documents/code/dotconfig/certs/ca-bundle.crt /Volumes/Mail/ca-bundle.crt

Certificate Authority

certs/ca-bundle.crt comes from and can be used as a certificate authority trust file. The bundle is linked from the curl project. The certs are extracted fromt he Mozilla CA bundle and converted to PEM using from the curl repository.


If gpg-agent isn't installed and running then signing commits can get to be quite cumbersome, particularly during git rebase executions. The gpg setup and config files are cribbed from yoshuawuyts.

brew install gpg pinentry-mac
mkdir ~/.gnupg
cp config/gpg/gpg.conf config/gpg/gpg-agent.conf ~/.gnupg

Link other dotfiles

# Link dotfile for tmux into the home directory
ln -s ~/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
# Link tmux plugins into the home directory
ln -s ~/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/tmux ~/.tmux
# Link dotfile for tig into the home directory
ln -s ~/Documents/code/dotconfig/config/tigrc ~/.tigrc

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some of my configuration files






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