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[CI] Add build and cache llvm build dir. #2086

[CI] Add build and cache llvm build dir.

[CI] Add build and cache llvm build dir. #2086

Workflow file for this run

name: test build process
branches: [ main, ci ]
branches: [ main, ci ]
runs-on: self-hosted
# 0. Install Ninja build system.
- name: Set up ninja
uses: seanmiddleditch/gha-setup-ninja@master
# 1. Checkout main repository, but do not fetch submodules immediately
- name: Checkout main repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: 'false'
# 2. Get llvm submodule commit id
- name: Get LLVM submodule commit
id: llvm-submodule-commit
run: |
echo "commit=$(git submodule status llvm | awk '{print $1;}')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# 3. Cache llvm submodule source code
- name: Cache LLVM source
id: cache-llvm-source
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: llvm
key: llvm-source-${{ steps.llvm-submodule-commit.outputs.commit }}
restore-keys: |
# 4. If cache miss,then pull LLVM submodule
- name: Checkout LLVM submodule
run: git submodule update --init --recursive llvm
if: steps.cache-llvm-source.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
# 5. Cache llvm build directory
- name: Cache LLVM build directory
id: cache-llvm-build-dir
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: llvm/build
key: llvm-build-${{ steps.llvm-submodule-commit.outputs.commit }}
restore-keys: |
# 6. If cache miss,then build LLVM
- name: Configure and Build LLVM
run: |
cd llvm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \
-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="mlir;clang;openmp" \
-DPython3_EXECUTABLE=$(which python3)
ninja check-clang check-mlir omp
if: steps.cache-llvm-build-dir.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
# # 6. Cache LLVM build directory
# - name: Cache LLVM build directory
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: llvm-build
# key: build-${{ steps.llvm-submodule-commit.outputs.commit }}
# restore-keys: |
# build-
# # Install Python 3.10
# - name: Set up Python 3.10
# uses: actions/setup-python@v4
# with:
# python-version: '3.10'
# # Define cache key based on requirements.txt checksum
# - name: Cache Python virtual environment
# id: cache-pyenv
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: buddy-mlir-venv-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt') }}
# key: pyenv-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt') }}
# # Create virtual environment if needed and install dependencies
# - name: Set up virtual environment
# run: |
# venv_path="buddy-mlir-venv-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt') }}"
# if [ ! -d "$venv_path" ]; then
# python -m venv $venv_path
# source $venv_path/bin/activate
# pip install --upgrade pip
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# fi
# shell: bash
# # Activate virtual environment and verify installation
# - name: Activate virtual environment and verify installation
# run: |
# source buddy-mlir-venv-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt') }}/bin/activate
# python --version
# pip list
# shell: bash
# # Use GitHub Actions caching to save the build directory for later use.
# # If the submodule's commit hash changes, a new cache will be created;
# # otherwise, the previous cache will be used to speed up builds.
# - name: Cache llvm build directory
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: llvm
# key: build-${{ steps.llvm-build-dir.outputs.commit }}
# # Run a shell script '' to test the build process.
# # The script is run with the path to the build directory that includes the commit ID,
# # ensuring the correct build version is tested.
# # This step executes the actual build verification after caching is set up.
# - name: Test build
# run: |
# source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate buddy
# bash ./tests/Actions/ llvm/build-${{ steps.llvm-build-dir.outputs.commit }}
# shell: bash