This project is a submission for a Laravel/Vue Developer task used for real Laravel/Vue developer recruitment process at MailerLite. It is not intended to be used as a standalone project (although it could be used as a starter boilerplate), rather, it as an example of code quality, features and capabilities and is intedned to be used as a playground for educational purposes.
The task to submit was to create an API for managing two resources and their relations: subscribers and fields as well as front-end for integrating the API.
- Create subscribers with custom fields
- Manage custom fields
- Paginated table for listing subscribers
- Dark mode
- Front-end tests with Vitest
- Feature / Unit test with Pest
- Brotli compress for front-end production files
.env file is commited intentionally as it was the requirement for the task, therefore, you can just pull and launch the project real fast.
(Front-end production build files are included as well, as this was a task requirement in case any enviroment compatibility issues would occur)
This project uses Yarn as a package manager
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd mailerlite-laravel-developer-task
Install dependencies
composer install
Run migrations
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Start the server
php artisan serve
Install dependencies
yarn install
Run vite dev server
yarn dev
Build production files
yarn build
Install dependencies (if haven't already)
yarn install && composer install
Run vitest
yarn vitest --run
Run pest
php artisan test