Set up GitHub Actions continuous deployment (#93 )
Add tooltips to charts (#49 )
Update Traffic Stops By Reason and Count View Data tab (#95 )
Sort Contraband hits table descending by year and add a totals row (#96 )
Sort likelihood of search table by descending year, add total row, and add a dropdown filter for stop purpose (#97 )
Include a "Total" likelihood of search to the search rate graph display (#99 )
Make hover display less intrusive (#98 )
Update spots where "department" is used for an officer page (#101 )
Graph performance issues (#102 )
Change plural officers subtext on Use Of Force page to indicate the singular officer it shows data for (#106 )
Switch "Department Data" to say "Officer Data" on left hand search bar menu (#105 )
Message for missing data (#103 )
Add Contact Form (#104 )
Fix tooltip cropped in search rate graph (#107 )
Fix deploy failure: template error while templating string (#113 )
Improve formatting on the contact form (#116 )
Upgraded New Relic chart (#114 )
Add the no data graphic to the "searches" page when no data is available (#117 )
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