This is the SKF SIM card application to example the SKF SDK library.
Next is the develop environment:
1 java jdk8;
2 Android Studio 3.0.0(above);
3 Android sdk 26;(ndk not used);
4 Current SDK supportted 21 interfaces, which use asynchronous callback:
Please use SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_SetCallback() to set the SkfCallback before you call any function, otherwise you can't get any feedback;
SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_EnumDev(getApplicationContext()); // enum device and init environment, return "device" for connection;
Callback function is onEnumDev(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok, data: "xxxxxxx" is the device; other value is failure;
SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_ConnectDev("device"); // Connect Device by parameter "device";
Callback function is onConnectDev(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok; other value is failure;
SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_GetDevInfo("device"); // Get Device Info by parameter "device";
Callback function is onGetDevInfo(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok, data: "xxxxxxx" is the device info data; other value is failure;
SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_DisconnectDev("device"); // Disconnect Device by parameter "device";
Callback function is onDisconnectDev(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok; other value is failure;
5)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_CreateApplication("device"); // no need called, as default created;
Callback function is onCreateApplication(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok; other value is failure;
6)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_OpenApplication("device"); // no need called, as default opened;
Callback function is onOpenApplication(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok; other value is failure;
7)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_CreateContainer("device"); // no need called, as default created;
Callback function is onCreateContainer(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok; other value is failure;
8)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_SetSymmKey(String device, String key, int AlgID); // set encrypt key and algorithm;
input device parameter "device", encrypt key parameter "key"(128bit, or 16 bytes string), algorithm parameter "AlgID"(1025 is ECB algorithm, 1026 is CBC algorithm, others not supported);
Callback function is onSetSymmKey(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok, data: "xxxxxxx" is the key handle, which be used in following steps;other value is failure;
9)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_GetSymmKey(String device, int AlgID); // get encrypt key handle;
input device parameter "device", algorithm parameter "AlgID"(1025 is ECB algorithm, 1026 is CBC algorithm, others not supported);
Callback function is onGetSymmKey(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok, data: "xxxxxxx" is the key handle, which be used in following steps;other value is failure;
10)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_CheckSymmKey(String device); // check the key set status;
input device parameter "device";
Callback function is onCheckSymmKey(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok, the cipher key is set; other value is failure, the key is not set yet;
11)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_EncryptInit(String key); // encrypt init
input encrypt key parameter "key"(128bit, or 16 bytes string);
Callback function is onEncryptInit(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok; other value is failure;
12)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_Encrypt(String key, String data); // encrypt data
input encrypt key parameter "key"(128bit, or 16 bytes string), encrypt data;
Callback function is onEncrypt(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok, data: "xxxxxxx" is the encrypt result;; other value is failure;
13)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_DecryptInit(String key); // decrypt init
input encrypt key parameter "key"(128bit, or 16 bytes string);
Callback function is onDecryptInit(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok; other value is failure;
14)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_Decrypt(String key, String data); // decrypt data
input decrypt key parameter "key"(128bit, or 16 bytes string), decrypt data;
Callback function is onDecrypt(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok, data: "xxxxxxx" is the decrypt result; other value is failure;
15)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_EncryptFile(String key, File inputFile, File outputFile);// file encrypt data
input encrypt key parameter "key"(128bit, or 16 bytes string), encrypt input file, encrypt result file;
Note: please put this function in sub-thread, as this will be take long time.
Callback function is onEncryptFile(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok, outputFile is the encrypt result file;
16)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_DecryptFile(String key, File inputFile, File outputFile);// file decrypt data
input decrypt key parameter "key"(128bit, or 16 bytes string), decrypt input file, decrypt result file;
Note: please put this function in sub-thread, as this will be take long time.
Callback function is onDecryptFile(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok, outputFile is the decrypt result file;
17)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_DigestInit(String device); // digest init
input device parameter "device";
Callback function is onDigestInit(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok.
18)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_Digest(String data);
input device parameter "device", the digest data;
Callback function is onDigest(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok; data:"xxxx" is the digest result.
19)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_GenECCKeyPair(String device);
input device parameter "device";
Callback function is onGenECCKeyPair(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok; data:"xxxx" is the 64 byte public Key.
20)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_ECCSignData(String key, String data);
input key parameter "key" from 18), and the signature data;
Callback function is onECCSignData(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is ok; data:"xxxx" is the signature data result.
21)SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().SKF_ECCVerify(String key, String sign, String data);
input parameter Key, signature from above, and the verify data;
Callback function is onECCVerify(String result);
return Json format string, code: 0 is verify ok, other value is verify fail.
The String result is Json format, which will provide more information, such as:
{code: 0, tips: "ok"; data: "xxxxxxx" }
{code: 1, tips: "parameter error"; data: "xxxxxxx" }
{code: 2, tips: "do not connect"; data: "xxxxxxx" }
{code: 3, tips: "process error"; data: "xxxxxxx" }
NOte: code 0 represents success, other value is failure; data contains the returned value, such as key handle, data, etc.
Note: The call interface has the basice Sequence before and after; Please call SKF_EnumDev firstly to get device name, which used for following steps.
Please call SKF_ConnectDev before any encrpyt or decrpyt operations, as connection success is the precondition.
Then you can call SKF_SetSymmKey to set cipher and algorithm, which will return the cipher handle for following operations.
You should call SKF_EncryptInit firstly, then call SKF_Encrypt to encrpyt file data.
While file decrption need call SKF_DecryptInit firstly, then call SKF_DecryptFile for file decryption.
NOte: SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().getConnectionStatus() can get current connection status, true for success, while false for failure.
SkfInterface.getSkfInstance().setDebugFlag(true/false) can set SDK log flag, which is usefule for debug.
5 Sdk is CardEmulation-1.2.0.aar file, please create libs directory in project, and place the CardEmulation-1.2.0.aar library in the libs directory;
Add next in project build.gradle file:
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
compile (name:'CardEmulation-1.2.0', ext:'aar')
6 Please refer the example project: file has the example for generating cipher key, please refer the example for detail.
7 Any question, please contact me.