This is the test application. This current version @ January 25, 2019. Created by Fábio Araújo - [email protected]
There are 2 levels of users Admin and Ordinary, the Admin user can create Hotels. Both of them can filter a list of hotels, with filters like: range of price per person, location (city, state, country), facilites, name.
- Ruby: 2.5.0
- Ruby on Rails: 5.2.2
- PostgreSQL: 9.5.12
Pay attention to your RAILS_ENV to match DB
- bundle install
- rails db:create (rails db:create --trace)
- rails db:migrate (rails db:migrate --trace)
- rails db:seed (rails db:seed --trace)
- [email protected]
- 123456
- [email protected]
- 123456
It's up at Heroku, just click below and use the above credentials