Users are able to sign in
and manage their expenses.
You can add
and remove
earnings and expenses.
Sign up and have better control of your financial life
Tools that were used in the project:
To run locally follow the steps
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
- npm
npm install npm@latest -g
- Create the root folder named mywallet and access it
mkdir mywallet && cd mywallet
- Clone the frontend repo
git clone
- Install dependencies with npm
npm install
- Clone the backend repo
git clone
- Install dependencies with npm
npm install
- Create a database using the command below via postgres
Automatically create all necessary tables to backend repo with dump.
Connect your backend to the database, for that, rename the .env.example to and fill in your data.
- Run the frontend using the command (remember to be on the backend repo):
npm run start:dev
- Run the frontend using the command (remember to be on the fronend repo):
npm start