Open Source CGTA Libraries
The CGTA/open code is MIT licensed + I had to embed a bit of ScalaCheck code (which is BSD licensed) for generators / arbitrary that is used by the serialization library to generate random typesafe instances of objects on demand for unit testing.
3 sub-projects at the moment
low level wrappers around scala / scalajs that don't have any 3rd party dependencies adds lot of nice low level util type stuff.
Serialization library recently updated to support scala-js that we have been using for years in house on the jvm.
Here is a very simple example of use:
(optional) Mix cgta.serland.SerlandExports into your package object this will add toJsonCompact/toJsonPretty on any object with a SerClass and fromJson[A : SerClass] onto Strings
For a case class make it a memeber of the SerClass typeclass by adding the following to it's companion
import cgta.serland.{SerClass, SerBuilder}
object Point {implicit var ser = SerBuilder.forCase(this.apply _)}
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
- To/From Json example
val str = Point(1,2).toJsonCompact // yields {"x":1,"y":2}
val pnt = str.fromJson[Point] // yields Point(1,2)
//Or without the sugar
import cgta.serland.backends.{SerJsonOut, SerJsonIn}
val str = SerJsonOut.toJsonCompact(x) // yields {"x":1,"y":2}
val pnt = SerJsonIn.fromJsonString[Point](x) // yields Point(1,2)
- Generate a random instance for unit testing
val rnd = Point.ser.gen.sample.get
The enumeration type we built and use in house. It features exhaustive match checking, and is supported by the serland serialization library
object Fruits extends CEnum {
type EET = Fruit
sealed abstract class Fruit(color: String, isSweet: Boolean) extends EnumElement
case object Apple extends Fruit("red", true)
case object Orange extends Fruit("orange", true)
case object Pear extends Fruit("green", true)
case object Banana extends Fruit("yellow", true)
case object Tomato extends Fruit("red", false)
override val elements = CEnum.getElements(this)
There isn't any documentation yet, I was hoping to write some up but have been too busy with other things for work. I wanted to get this out there now because it provides an example of 3 cross compiled scalajs / scalajvm libraries of varying levels of complexity.
My suggestion for poking around is to just read the unit tests they should be fairly thorough.
There are some dependencies that need to be removed, for example serland
serialization library has a dependency on mongo because it can encode objects as
BSON BasicDBObjects. I want to spin that off into a separate project, or just drop
altogether since we are getting from mongo at work anyhow.
Since it's still very a much a work in progress I haven't published anything up to Sonatype yet. It's more of a proof of concept that you can cross compile scala-js + scala-jvm fairly easily. We are using the jvm side of the code for production software, and the scala-js code has been used in a few experimental visualization for our traders so far.
Among other things, intellij seems to work fine for us in our cross-compile use-cases.
We don't use the symlink approach, even though we are all linux, we have been using an alternate solution that seems to work:
We generate the intellij project files with a script under the projects bin folder called gen-idea Also each project turns into 5 intellij modules: shared/jvm/sjs/jvm-test/sjs-test The basic project structure end up looking like this:
for sbt builds the shared project and aggregates all the jvm and sjs projects so you can run both sets of tests at the same time.
We are also using otest for our unit testing. This plugin sbt-x-sjs-plugin helps with organizing cross builds.
git clone
sbt test
to generate the files for intellij simply run
"biz.cgta" %% "oscala-jvm" % "0.2.2"
"biz.cgta" %% "cenum-jvm" % "0.2.2"
"biz.cgta" %% "serland-jvm" % "0.2.2"
"biz.cgta" %%% "oscala-sjs" % "0.2.2"
"biz.cgta" %%% "cenum-sjs" % "0.2.2"
"biz.cgta" %%% "serland-sjs" % "0.2.2"