Standalone library that supports generating self-signed tokens for Authenticating against DGraph and a JWKs endpoint
Generate key pairs into backend/keys directory
Key pair should have the same name with .key and .pub for private and public key respectively
If you are familiar with php there is a handy function in DGToken file to generate pairs and push them to keys directory.
Copy .env.sample to .env fill up the variables with appropriate variables.
Currently the library only supports a Google based login
Username / Password based and other OAuth providers are planned for future.
- dgraph-single.yaml for launching a single node dgraph for testing
- backend/Dockerfile - Build the container locally and push it to wherever the kube cluster can reach to pull it
- backend/deploy.yaml - Simple deployment with a service to access DGAuth within the cluster
- schema.graphql - Simple schema with Auth configuration which works with the above setup
php -s localhost:8080 -t backend/src
There are 2 endpoints available:
/jwks - Returns a standard json formatted jwks which are stored in backend/keys
/login - Takes you through OAuth authentication of google and generate a refresh and access token with one of the self signed cert in keys directory.
Read for more details on the schema.
once you run the server /playground.html is a fully functioning graphql playground that can also introspect the schema and help in easier development when pointed to the Dgraph graphql endpoint