A simple web server that initiates an OAuth2 request and saves the access token.
$ python setup.py install
You will need to configure your application client IDs and keys and store it a YAML file. It should look something like this:
consumerkey: GH_CLIENTID
consumersecret: GH_CLIENTSECRET
consumerkey: SF_CLIENTID
consumersecret: SF_CLIENTID
Then we just need to tell the server where to find these credentials and start the webserver.
$ export POM_SSL=/certificatedir (this step is optional)
$ export POM_APPS=/myapps/keys.yaml
$ pomserver 8000
Just point your browser to the web server and specify an authentication source. It should automatically redirect you.
After authenticating yourself, it will print out your session information.
- Store refresh token in user-configurable data store (i.e., Redis)
- Additional data sources (InsideSales, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)