- This project is still under construction -
If you are new to Github, and would like to create or update a guide, head into the _guides folder.
- You will see a listing of the current guide files, which you can edit directly in the browser and submit for review.
- You can also create a new guide with the "New File" button. Use the other guides in the folder as reference for setting up the file properly.
The NetP Wiki guides are written in Markdown. It's a straight-forward syntax that makes styling text easy. If you aren't familiar with it, we've made a quick-start guide below.
This is a main header!
This is a secondary-heading!
# This is the same as the main header
## This is the same as the secondary header
### A little bit smaller
#### Even smaller still
##### How low can you go?
###### This is the lowest, actually
A horizontal line can be made a few ways:
--- (three dashes)
*** (three asterisks)
___ (three underscores)
Use two spaces after text to create a new line:
Use an extra line to create a new paragraph:
New paragraph!
Use two spaces after text to create a new line:
Use an extra line to create a new paragraph:
New paragraph!
*This is italic text*
**Random bold text**
~~Scratch this out~~
This is italic text
Random bold text
Scratch this out
> This is a blockquote.
> It can go on for multiple lines in markdown,
> and can have *italic* and **bold** text too,
> even ~~the scratched-out stuff~~!
This is a blockquote It can go on for multiple lines in markdown, and can have italic and bold text too, even
the scratched-out stuff!
1. Ordered List
2. Here's an element with an ordered sub-list:
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
3. Here's an element with an un-ordered sub-list:
* Item A
* Item B
* Unordered List
* Here's an element with an ordered sub-list:
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
* And another element with an un-ordered sub-list:
* Item A
* Item B
- Ordered List
- Here's an element with an ordered sub-list:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Here's an element with an un-ordered sub-list:
Item A
Item B
Unordered List
Here's an element with an ordered sub-list:
- Item 1
- Item 2
And another element with an un-ordered sub-list:
- Item A
- Item B
[This is an inline link](http://www.example.com)
http://www.example.com - this is a direct link!
This is an inline link
http://www.example.com - this is a direct link!
To make a codeblock, use 3 backticks ( ``` ) to open and close your code:
function format () {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
var initial = args.shift();
function replacer (text, replacement) {
return text.replace('%s', replacement);
return args.reduce(replacer, initial);
function format () {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
var initial = args.shift();
function replacer (text, replacement) {
return text.replace('%s', replacement);
return args.reduce(replacer, initial);
The bottom dashes spread-out the table to better show alignment
| I'm | A | Table |
|:---------------------- |:----------------------:| ----------------------:|
| This column | This is | *Right* |
| will align | *center* | Aligned |
| *left* | aligned | Column! |
| **A** | **B** | **C** |
| ---------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------- |
I'm | A | Table |
This column | This is | Right |
will align | center | Aligned |
left | aligned | Column! |
A | B | C |
---------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------- |