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transition parser example
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redpony committed Oct 31, 2016
1 parent bd36370 commit e3f38c1
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Showing 8 changed files with 30,937 additions and 0 deletions.
400 changes: 400 additions & 0 deletions data/small-dev.txt

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400 changes: 400 additions & 0 deletions data/small-dev.unk.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

400 changes: 400 additions & 0 deletions data/small-test.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

400 changes: 400 additions & 0 deletions data/small-test.unk.txt

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10,000 changes: 10,000 additions & 0 deletions data/small-train.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

10,000 changes: 10,000 additions & 0 deletions data/small-train.unk.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

9,151 changes: 9,151 additions & 0 deletions data/vocab.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import count
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import random
import dynet as dy
import numpy as np
import re

# actions the parser can take

class Vocab:
def __init__(self, w2i):
self.w2i = dict(w2i)
self.i2w = {i:w for w,i in w2i.iteritems()}
def from_list(cls, words):
w2i = {}
idx = 0
for word in words:
w2i[word] = idx
idx += 1
return Vocab(w2i)
def from_file(cls, vocab_fname):
words = []
with file(vocab_fname) as fh:
for line in fh:
word, count = line.split()
return Vocab.from_list(words)

def size(self): return len(self.w2i.keys())

def read_oracle(fname, vw, va):
with file(fname) as fh:
for line in fh:
line = line.strip()
ssent, sacts = re.split(r' \|\|\| ', line)
sent = [vw.w2i[x] for x in ssent.split()]
acts = [va.w2i[x] for x in sacts.split()]
yield (sent, acts)


class TransitionParser:
def __init__(self, model, vocab):
self.vocab = vocab
self.pW_comp = model.add_parameters((LSTM_DIM, LSTM_DIM * 2))
self.pb_comp = model.add_parameters((LSTM_DIM, ))
self.pW_s2h = model.add_parameters((LSTM_DIM, LSTM_DIM * 2))
self.pb_s2h = model.add_parameters((LSTM_DIM, ))
self.pW_act = model.add_parameters((NUM_ACTIONS, LSTM_DIM))
self.pb_act = model.add_parameters((NUM_ACTIONS, ))

# layers, in-dim, out-dim, model
self.buffRNN = dy.LSTMBuilder(1, WORD_DIM, LSTM_DIM, model)
self.stackRNN = dy.LSTMBuilder(1, WORD_DIM, LSTM_DIM, model)
self.pempty_buffer_emb = model.add_parameters((LSTM_DIM,))
self.WORDS_LOOKUP = model.add_lookup_parameters((nwords, WORD_DIM))

# returns an expression of the loss for the sequence of actions
# (that is, the oracle_actions if present or the predicted sequence otherwise)
def parse(self, t, oracle_actions=None):
if oracle_actions:
oracle_actions = list(oracle_actions)
stack_top = self.stackRNN.initial_state()
toks = list(t)
stack = []
cur = self.buffRNN.initial_state()
buffer = []
empty_buffer_emb = dy.parameter(self.pempty_buffer_emb)
W_comp = dy.parameter(self.pW_comp)
b_comp = dy.parameter(self.pb_comp)
W_s2h = dy.parameter(self.pW_s2h)
b_s2h = dy.parameter(self.pb_s2h)
W_act = dy.parameter(self.pW_act)
b_act = dy.parameter(self.pb_act)
losses = []
for tok in toks:
tok_embedding = self.WORDS_LOOKUP[tok]
cur = cur.add_input(tok_embedding)
buffer.append((cur.output(), tok_embedding, self.vocab.i2w[tok]))

while not (len(stack) == 1 and len(buffer) == 0):
# based on parser state, get valid actions
valid_actions = []
if len(buffer) > 0: # can only reduce if elements in buffer
valid_actions += [SHIFT]
if len(stack) >= 2: # can only shift if 2 elements on stack
valid_actions += [REDUCE_L, REDUCE_R]

# compute probability of each of the actions and choose an action
# either from the oracle or if there is no oracle, based on the model
action = valid_actions[0]
log_probs = None
if len(valid_actions) > 1:
buffer_embedding = buffer[-1][0] if buffer else empty_buffer_emb
stack_embedding = stack[-1][0].output() # the stack has something here
parser_state = dy.concatenate([buffer_embedding, stack_embedding])
h = dy.tanh(W_s2h * parser_state + b_s2h)
logits = W_act * h + b_act
log_probs = dy.log_softmax(logits, valid_actions)
if oracle_actions is None:
action = max(enumerate(log_probs.vec_value()), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
if oracle_actions is not None:
action = oracle_actions.pop()
if log_probs is not None:
# append the action-specific loss
losses.append(dy.pick(log_probs, action))

# execute the action to update the parser state
if action == SHIFT:
_, tok_embedding, token = buffer.pop()
stack_state, _ = stack[-1] if stack else (stack_top, '<TOP>')
stack_state = stack_state.add_input(tok_embedding)
stack.append((stack_state, token))
else: # one of the reduce actions
right = stack.pop()
left = stack.pop()
head, modifier = (left, right) if action == REDUCE_R else (right, left)
top_stack_state, _ = stack[-1] if stack else (stack_top, '<TOP>')
head_rep, head_tok = head[0].output(), head[1]
mod_rep, mod_tok = modifier[0].output(), modifier[1]
composed_rep = dy.rectify(W_comp * dy.concatenate([head_rep, mod_rep]) + b_comp)
top_stack_state = top_stack_state.add_input(composed_rep)
stack.append((top_stack_state, head_tok))
if oracle_actions is None:
print('{0} --> {1}'.format(head_tok, mod_tok))

# the head of the tree that remains at the top of the stack is now the root
if oracle_actions is None:
head = stack.pop()[1]
print('ROOT --> {0}'.format(head))
return -dy.esum(losses) if losses else None

acts = ['SHIFT', 'REDUCE_L', 'REDUCE_R']
vocab_acts = Vocab.from_list(acts)

vocab_words = Vocab.from_file('data/vocab.txt')
train = list(read_oracle('data/small-train.unk.txt', vocab_words, vocab_acts))
dev = list(read_oracle('data/small-dev.unk.txt', vocab_words, vocab_acts))

model = dy.Model()
trainer = dy.AdamTrainer(model)

tp = TransitionParser(model, vocab_words)

i = 0
for epoch in range(5):
words = 0
total_loss = 0.0
for (s,a) in train:
loss = tp.parse(s, a)
words += len(s)
if loss is not None:
total_loss += loss.scalar_value()
e = float(i) / len(train)
if i % 50 == 0:
print('epoch {}: per-word loss: {}'.format(e, total_loss / words))
words = 0
total_loss = 0.0
if i % 500 == 0:
dev_words = 0
dev_loss = 0.0
for (ds, da) in dev:
loss = tp.parse(ds, da)
dev_words += len(ds)
if loss is not None:
dev_loss += loss.scalar_value()
print('[validation] epoch {}: per-word loss: {}'.format(e, dev_loss / dev_words))
i += 1

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