Falcor Http DataSource using isomorphic fetch
npm install falcor-fetch-http-datasource
Minimalistic ES6 example, a quick dirty setup
import falcor from 'falcor';
import FetchDataSource from 'falcor-fetch-http-datasource';
var model = new falcor.Model({
source: new FetchDataSource('/model.json')
If you need some additional info for your global HTTP requests consider something like
var source = new FetchDataSource('/model.json', {
headers: {
'Authorization': `bearer ' + token`
var source = new FetchDataSource('/model.json', {
credentials: 'include'
// server must include the header `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true`
var source = new FetchDataSource('/model.json', {
crossDomain: true
Agent (Node only)
var source = new FetchDataSource('/model.json', {
agent: {...agentObject}
var source = new FetchDataSource('/model.json', {
timeout: 5000
//Retry will try again if response status was not in 200-299 range
var source = new FetchDataSource('/model.json', {
var onResponse = function(url, statusCode, requestHeaders, responseHeaders, jsonBody, options){
//json body will only be returned if statusCode is 200-299
console.log(url, statusCode, requestHeaders, responseHeaders, jsonBody, options);
//You can update options for subsequent retry calls
var source = new FetchDataSource('/model.json', {
//Will split the query based on how many characters are in the url. If its over maxQuerySize the multiple requests will be made to the server by splitting up the query into smaller subqueries.
// This should happen transparently and should not have any impact on the output value.
var source = new FetchDataSource('/model.json', {
maxQuerySize:1 //Default is 7000 characters