This library supports macOS, Linux, and Windows platforms.
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- Importing the DaMiao Library
- Defining Motor Control Objects
- Motor States
- Motor Control Modes
- Reading Motor States
- Modifying Motor Parameters
Ensure that
is in your project folder. Import it as follows:
from DM_CAN import *
The library depends on the following Python packages: serial
, numpy
. Install them using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create motor objects using:
Motor1 = Motor(DM_Motor_Type.DM4310, 0x01, 0x11)
Motor2 = Motor(DM_Motor_Type.DM4310, 0x02, 0x12)
Motor3 = Motor(DM_Motor_Type.DM4310, 0x03, 0x13)
- First Parameter: Motor type
- Second Parameter: Slave ID (Motor's CAN ID)
- Third Parameter: Master ID (Host ID; must be unique and not
Set up the serial device (example for Windows):
serial_device = serial.Serial('COM8', 921600, timeout=0.5)
Initialize the motor control object:
MotorControl1 = MotorControl(serial_device)
Enable motors (ensure parameters are set before enabling):
For older firmware, specify the control mode:
MotorControl1.enable_old(Motor1, Control_Type.MIT)
MotorControl1.enable_old(Motor2, Control_Type.POS_VEL)
MotorControl1.enable_old(Motor3, Control_Type.VEL)
Move the motor to the desired zero position (in disabled state) and set it as the new zero position:
To fetch motor status (torque, position, velocity) without sending control commands:
print("Motor1:","POS:", Motor1.getPosition(), "VEL:", Motor1.getVelocity(), "TORQUE:", Motor1.getTorque())
After enabling the motor, use MIT mode for control:
MotorControl1.controlMIT(Motor1, 50, 0.3, 0, 0, 0)
Control motor position and velocity:
q = math.sin(time.time())
MotorControl1.control_Pos_Vel(Motor1, q*10, 2)
Control motor velocity:
q = math.sin(time.time())
MotorControl1.control_Vel(Motor1, q*5)
Control motor position and force:
MotorControl1.control_pos_force(Motor1, 10, 1000, 100)
Motor states are stored in the motor object. You can read the following parameters:
- Velocity
- Position
- Torque
Use the following functions:
vel = Motor1.getVelocity() # Get motor velocity
pos = Motor1.getPosition() # Get motor position
tau = Motor1.getTorque() # Get motor torque
After refreshing motor status:
print("Motor1:", "POS:", Motor1.getPosition(), "VEL:", Motor1.getVelocity(), "TORQUE:", Motor1.getTorque())
You can change the motor's control mode using the following function:
if MotorControl1.switchControlMode(Motor1, Control_Type.POS_VEL):
print("Switch to POS_VEL mode success")
if MotorControl1.switchControlMode(Motor2, Control_Type.VEL):
print("Switch to VEL mode success")
Note: The change is only temporary and will be reset after power cycle.
To save all changed parameters to the motor's flash memory:
You can read internal registers of the motor, such as:
print("PMAX:", MotorControl1.read_motor_param(Motor1, DM_variable.PMAX))
print("MST_ID:", MotorControl1.read_motor_param(Motor1, DM_variable.MST_ID))
print("VMAX:", MotorControl1.read_motor_param(Motor1, DM_variable.VMAX))
print("TMAX:", MotorControl1.read_motor_param(Motor1, DM_variable.TMAX))
Use getParam
to retrieve stored values:
print("PMAX", Motor1.getParam(DM_variable.PMAX))
Some internal register values can be modified. Here's an example:
if MotorControl1.change_motor_param(Motor1, DM_variable.KP_APR, 54):
print("Write success")
Note: Changes will be lost after power cycle unless saved to flash memory.
: Read and WriteRO
: Read Only - Corresponding variable names can be directly used inDM_variable
Register Address (Decimal) | Variable | Description | R/W | Range | Data Type |
0 | UV_Value | Under-voltage Value | RW | (10.0,3.4E38] | float |
1 | KT_Value | Torque Coefficient | RW | [0.0,3.4E38] | float |
2 | OT_Value | Over-temperature | RW | [80.0,200) | float |
3 | OC_Value | Over-current Value | RW | (0.0,1.0) | float |
4 | ACC | Acceleration | RW | (0.0,3.4E38) | float |
5 | DEC | Deceleration | RW | [-3.4E38,0.0) | float |
6 | MAX_SPD | Maximum Speed | RW | (0.0,3.4E38] | float |
7 | MST_ID | Feedback ID | RW | [0,0x7FF] | uint32 |
8 | ESC_ID | Receive ID | RW | [0,0x7FF] | uint32 |
9 | TIMEOUT | Timeout Alarm Time | RW | [0,2^32-1] | uint32 |
10 | CTRL_MODE | Control Mode | RW | [1,4] | uint32 |
11 | Damp | Motor Damping Coeff. | RO | / | float |
12 | Inertia | Motor Inertia | RO | / | float |
13 | hw_ver | Reserved | RO | / | uint32 |
14 | sw_ver | Software Version | RO | / | uint32 |
15 | SN | Reserved | RO | / | uint32 |
16 | NPP | Motor Pole Pairs | RO | / | uint32 |
17 | Rs | Motor Phase Resistance | RO | / | float |
18 | Ls | Motor Phase Inductance | RO | / | float |
19 | Flux | Motor Flux Value | RO | / | float |
20 | Gr | Gear Reduction Ratio | RO | / | float |
21 | PMAX | Position Mapping Max | RW | (0.0,3.4E38] | float |
22 | VMAX | Speed Mapping Max | RW | (0.0,3.4E38] | float |
23 | TMAX | Torque Mapping Max | RW | (0.0,3.4E38] | float |
24 | I_BW | Current Loop Bandwidth | RW | [100.0,10000.0] | float |
25 | KP_ASR | Speed Loop Kp | RW | [0.0,3.4E38] | float |
26 | KI_ASR | Speed Loop Ki | RW | [0.0,3.4E38] | float |
27 | KP_APR | Position Loop Kp | RW | [0.0,3.4E38] | float |
28 | KI_APR | Position Loop Ki | RW | [0.0,3.4E38] | float |
29 | OV_Value | Over-voltage Value | RW | TBD | float |
30 | GREF | Gear Torque Efficiency | RW | (0.0,1.0] | float |
31 | Deta | Speed Loop Damping Coeff. | RW | [1.0,30.0] | float |
32 | V_BW | Speed Loop Filter Bandwidth | RW | (0.0,500.0) | float |
33 | IQ_c1 | Current Loop Gain | RW | [100.0,10000.0] | float |
34 | VL_c1 | Speed Loop Gain | RW | (0.0,10000.0] | float |
35 | can_br | CAN Baud Rate Code | RW | [0,4] | uint32 |
36 | sub_ver | Sub-version | RO | uint32 | |
50 | u_off | U Phase Offset | RO | float | |
51 | v_off | V Phase Offset | RO | float | |
52 | k1 | Compensation Factor 1 | RO | float | |
53 | k2 | Compensation Factor 2 | RO | float | |
54 | m_off | Angle Offset | RO | float | |
55 | dir | Direction | RO | float | |
80 | p_m | Motor Position | RO | float | |
81 | xout | Output Shaft Position | RO | float |