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Damiao Motor Control Library – A Python library for controlling Damiao motors via CAN. Supports Windows, Linux, and macOS. Flexible control modes and real-time motor status feedback. 达妙电机控制库 – 一个用于通过CAN控制达妙电机的Python库。支持 Windows、Linux 和 macOS。提供灵活的控制模式和实时电机状态反馈。


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DaMiao Python Library

Language: 中文 | ENGLISH

This library supports macOS, Linux, and Windows platforms.

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Table of Contents

  1. Importing the DaMiao Library
  2. Defining Motor Control Objects
  3. Motor States
  4. Motor Control Modes
  5. Reading Motor States
  6. Modifying Motor Parameters

1. Importing the DaMiao Library

Ensure that is in your project folder. Import it as follows:

from DM_CAN import *

The library depends on the following Python packages: serial, numpy. Install them using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Defining Motor Control Objects

Create motor objects using:

Motor1 = Motor(DM_Motor_Type.DM4310, 0x01, 0x11)
Motor2 = Motor(DM_Motor_Type.DM4310, 0x02, 0x12)
Motor3 = Motor(DM_Motor_Type.DM4310, 0x03, 0x13)
  • First Parameter: Motor type
  • Second Parameter: Slave ID (Motor's CAN ID)
  • Third Parameter: Master ID (Host ID; must be unique and not 0x00)

Set up the serial device (example for Windows):

serial_device = serial.Serial('COM8', 921600, timeout=0.5)

Initialize the motor control object:

MotorControl1 = MotorControl(serial_device)

3. Motor States

3.1 Adding Motors


3.2 Enabling Motors

Enable motors (ensure parameters are set before enabling):


For older firmware, specify the control mode:

MotorControl1.enable_old(Motor1, Control_Type.MIT)
MotorControl1.enable_old(Motor2, Control_Type.POS_VEL)
MotorControl1.enable_old(Motor3, Control_Type.VEL)

3.3 Setting Zero Position

Move the motor to the desired zero position (in disabled state) and set it as the new zero position:


3.4 Disabling Motors


3.5 Fetching Motor Status

To fetch motor status (torque, position, velocity) without sending control commands:

print("Motor1:","POS:", Motor1.getPosition(), "VEL:", Motor1.getVelocity(), "TORQUE:", Motor1.getTorque())

4. Motor Control Modes

4.1 MIT Mode

After enabling the motor, use MIT mode for control:

MotorControl1.controlMIT(Motor1, 50, 0.3, 0, 0, 0)

4.2 Position-Velocity Mode

Control motor position and velocity:

q = math.sin(time.time())
MotorControl1.control_Pos_Vel(Motor1, q*10, 2)

4.3 Velocity Mode

Control motor velocity:

q = math.sin(time.time())
MotorControl1.control_Vel(Motor1, q*5)

4.4 Force-Position Mixed Mode

Control motor position and force:

MotorControl1.control_pos_force(Motor1, 10, 1000, 100)

5. Reading Motor States

Motor states are stored in the motor object. You can read the following parameters:

  • Velocity
  • Position
  • Torque

Use the following functions:

vel = Motor1.getVelocity()    # Get motor velocity
pos = Motor1.getPosition()    # Get motor position
tau = Motor1.getTorque()      # Get motor torque

After refreshing motor status:

print("Motor1:", "POS:", Motor1.getPosition(), "VEL:", Motor1.getVelocity(), "TORQUE:", Motor1.getTorque())

6. Modifying Motor Parameters

6.1 Changing Control Mode

You can change the motor's control mode using the following function:

if MotorControl1.switchControlMode(Motor1, Control_Type.POS_VEL):
    print("Switch to POS_VEL mode success")
if MotorControl1.switchControlMode(Motor2, Control_Type.VEL):
    print("Switch to VEL mode success")

Note: The change is only temporary and will be reset after power cycle.

6.2 Saving Parameters

To save all changed parameters to the motor's flash memory:


6.3 Reading Internal Registers

You can read internal registers of the motor, such as:

print("PMAX:", MotorControl1.read_motor_param(Motor1, DM_variable.PMAX))
print("MST_ID:", MotorControl1.read_motor_param(Motor1, DM_variable.MST_ID))
print("VMAX:", MotorControl1.read_motor_param(Motor1, DM_variable.VMAX))
print("TMAX:", MotorControl1.read_motor_param(Motor1, DM_variable.TMAX))

Use getParam to retrieve stored values:

print("PMAX", Motor1.getParam(DM_variable.PMAX))

6.4 Writing Internal Registers

Some internal register values can be modified. Here's an example:

if MotorControl1.change_motor_param(Motor1, DM_variable.KP_APR, 54):
   print("Write success")

Note: Changes will be lost after power cycle unless saved to flash memory.

7.Internal Register Parameter List Note:


  • RW: Read and Write
  • RO: Read Only - Corresponding variable names can be directly used in DM_variable.
Register Address (Decimal) Variable Description R/W Range Data Type
0 UV_Value Under-voltage Value RW (10.0,3.4E38] float
1 KT_Value Torque Coefficient RW [0.0,3.4E38] float
2 OT_Value Over-temperature RW [80.0,200) float
3 OC_Value Over-current Value RW (0.0,1.0) float
4 ACC Acceleration RW (0.0,3.4E38) float
5 DEC Deceleration RW [-3.4E38,0.0) float
6 MAX_SPD Maximum Speed RW (0.0,3.4E38] float
7 MST_ID Feedback ID RW [0,0x7FF] uint32
8 ESC_ID Receive ID RW [0,0x7FF] uint32
9 TIMEOUT Timeout Alarm Time RW [0,2^32-1] uint32
10 CTRL_MODE Control Mode RW [1,4] uint32
11 Damp Motor Damping Coeff. RO / float
12 Inertia Motor Inertia RO / float
13 hw_ver Reserved RO / uint32
14 sw_ver Software Version RO / uint32
15 SN Reserved RO / uint32
16 NPP Motor Pole Pairs RO / uint32
17 Rs Motor Phase Resistance RO / float
18 Ls Motor Phase Inductance RO / float
19 Flux Motor Flux Value RO / float
20 Gr Gear Reduction Ratio RO / float
21 PMAX Position Mapping Max RW (0.0,3.4E38] float
22 VMAX Speed Mapping Max RW (0.0,3.4E38] float
23 TMAX Torque Mapping Max RW (0.0,3.4E38] float
24 I_BW Current Loop Bandwidth RW [100.0,10000.0] float
25 KP_ASR Speed Loop Kp RW [0.0,3.4E38] float
26 KI_ASR Speed Loop Ki RW [0.0,3.4E38] float
27 KP_APR Position Loop Kp RW [0.0,3.4E38] float
28 KI_APR Position Loop Ki RW [0.0,3.4E38] float
29 OV_Value Over-voltage Value RW TBD float
30 GREF Gear Torque Efficiency RW (0.0,1.0] float
31 Deta Speed Loop Damping Coeff. RW [1.0,30.0] float
32 V_BW Speed Loop Filter Bandwidth RW (0.0,500.0) float
33 IQ_c1 Current Loop Gain RW [100.0,10000.0] float
34 VL_c1 Speed Loop Gain RW (0.0,10000.0] float
35 can_br CAN Baud Rate Code RW [0,4] uint32
36 sub_ver Sub-version RO uint32
50 u_off U Phase Offset RO float
51 v_off V Phase Offset RO float
52 k1 Compensation Factor 1 RO float
53 k2 Compensation Factor 2 RO float
54 m_off Angle Offset RO float
55 dir Direction RO float
80 p_m Motor Position RO float
81 xout Output Shaft Position RO float


Damiao Motor Control Library – A Python library for controlling Damiao motors via CAN. Supports Windows, Linux, and macOS. Flexible control modes and real-time motor status feedback. 达妙电机控制库 – 一个用于通过CAN控制达妙电机的Python库。支持 Windows、Linux 和 macOS。提供灵活的控制模式和实时电机状态反馈。







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