This game is built on OpenGL api and C++. It is a 3D adventure game which the main character has to traverse many obstacles to reach a final destination. The game incorporates 3 difficulty levels. The game also incorporates the gravity of the main character and it's interaction with basic characters ( ex. boxes, tiles). The game also has different camera views.
$ make
This will compile all the necessary files (sample.cpp and its assosciated files) into an executable
$ ./main
This will run the game.
Arrow Keys (Up/Down) - To move the character forward/backward
Arrow Keys (Left/Right) - to move the character left/right
Space - Jump
c - to change camera views.
after pressing 'n' times -
0) default view
1) first person view
2) tower view
3) third person
4) tile view
5) Helicopter View
- pressing w/a/s/d helps moving around helicopter left,right,forward,backward in the 3d world
r - to reset the game
z - to activate the zero gravity mode