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WP Post Classfied for making Docs, Site map, POST List helps you to display post list based on category, tag, or any type or taxonomy. All condition is depend on shortcode attr. See some example of shortcode.
In our plugin
- Dfault taxonomy(term_name) name is: 'category'.
- Dfault post type(post_type) is: 'post'.
- Dfault Taxonomy Link(term_link) is: 'on'.
Plugin Links
Shortcode Example
Post title with link from WordPress default post with all category name.
[WPPCD_Post taxs='123,322']
Here: 123,322 are category ID. Mean: Taxnomy ID.
[WPPCD_Post post_type='product']
It will display all product title with link with WooCommerce caegory classified.
[WPPCD_Post post_type='product' term_name='product_tag']
It's depend on WooCommerce, product will display from product, based on WooCommerce tag(product_tag).
Example with all attr:
[WPPCD_Post taxs='12,34,56,67' post_type='product' term_name='product_tag' term_link='off' posts_per_page='10']
Important feature
- Making Docs using Category base.
- Support custom post,
- Support any taxonomy
- Customizeable using filter hook.
- posts_per_page supported attr.
- post_type supported attr. define post type here.
- taxs supported attr. define your category ID, or any type term/taxonomy ID.
- term_name supported attr. such: post,tag,product_cat,product_tag etc.
- term_link supported attr. on or off your taxonomy link.
namespace WPPCD;
use WP_Query;
* Display post using shortcode
* Managing post based on shortcode atts
* We will collect query data from shortcode
* @since 1.0
* @author Saiful Islam<[email protected]>
class Shortcode{
public static $taxs = array();
public static $term_name = 'category';
public static $post_type = 'post';
public static $posts_per_page = -1;
public static $term_link = 'on';
public static $atts = array();
public static function init( $atts ){
self::$atts = $atts;
if( isset( $atts['taxs'] ) && ! empty( $atts['taxs'] ) ){
self::$taxs = self::attr_to_arr('taxs');
if( empty( self::$atts ) || ! is_array( self::$atts ) ){
self::$atts = array();
//Populate ATTS using manipulae_atts()
//Generate for all Cate
if( empty( self::$taxs ) ){
self::$taxs = self::get_taxonomies();
if( ! is_array( self::$taxs ) || count( self::$taxs ) < 1 ) return;
return self::generate_html();
public static function manipulae_atts(){
self::$post_type = isset( self::$atts['post_type'] ) && ! empty( self::$atts['post_type'] ) ? self::$atts['post_type']: self::$post_type;
if( self::$post_type == 'product' ){
self::$term_name = 'product_cat';
self::$term_name = isset( self::$atts['term_name'] ) && ! empty( self::$atts['term_name'] ) ? self::$atts['term_name']: self::$term_name;
self::$posts_per_page = isset( self::$atts['posts_per_page'] ) && ! empty( self::$atts['posts_per_page'] ) ? self::$atts['posts_per_page']: self::$posts_per_page;
self::$term_link = isset( self::$atts['term_link'] ) && ! empty( self::$atts['term_link'] ) ? self::$atts['term_link']: self::$term_link;
* Attr srting like taxs='1,2,32,45' to convert to array
* @param string $atts_attr taxs attts attr
* @return void
public static function attr_to_arr($atts_attr = 'taxs'){
$atts = self::$atts;
$taxstr = $atts[$atts_attr];
if( ! is_string( $taxstr ) ) return;
$taxstr = rtrim($taxstr,',');
$taxs = explode(',',$taxstr);
$taxs = array_filter($taxs);
$taxs = array_map(function($item){
return (int) $item;
return $taxs;
* Get taxonomy list based on selected term name. such: category,tag,product_tag etc
* @return Array
public static function get_taxonomies(){
$taxonomies = get_terms(
'taxonomy' => self::$term_name,//'category',
$o_taxs = array();
foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ){
$o_taxs[$taxonomy->term_id] = $taxonomy->term_id;
return $o_taxs;
* Generating full HTML
* Full content will be generate from here
* ************************
* All other void method will call here
* ************************
* @return void
public static function generate_html(){
foreach( self::$taxs as $taxonomy_id ){
<div class="wppcd-main-wrapper docs-wrapper">
<div class="wppcd-inside-wrapper">
self::taxonomy_markup( $taxonomy_id );
</div><!-- /.wppcd-inside-wrapper -->
</div><!--.wppcd.docs-wrapper -->
return ob_get_clean();
* Each taxonomy HTML Markub will generate here
* @param int $taxonomy_id Here need taxonomy_id (Term ID)
* @return void
public static function taxonomy_markup( $taxonomy_id = false ){
if( ! $taxonomy_id ) return;
if(empty( self::get_taxonomy_name( $taxonomy_id ) )) echo esc_html__( sprintf( "The Taxonomy ID:%s not found", $taxonomy_id ), 'wppcd');;
$term_link = self::$term_link == 'on' ? true : false;
<div class="each-taxonomy-item-wrapper">
<div class="each-item-inside">
<h3 class="item-heading item-heading-<?php echo esc_attr( $taxonomy_id ); ?>">
<?php if( $term_link ){?>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_term_link( $taxonomy_id ) ); ?>" class="item-heading-link" target="_blank">
<?php }
echo esc_html( self::get_taxonomy_name( $taxonomy_id ) );
if( $term_link ){ ?>
<?php } ?>
self::the_post_list_markup( $taxonomy_id );
* Getting Taxonomy name/title based on Taxonomy Term ID
* @param int $taxonomy_id
* @return void
public static function get_taxonomy_name( $taxonomy_id ) {
$taxonomy_id = (int) $taxonomy_id;
$taxonomy = get_term( $taxonomy_id, self::$term_name );
if ( ! $taxonomy || is_wp_error( $taxonomy ) ) {
return '';
return $taxonomy->name;
* Post list HTML markup
* We find out All post under the selected taxonomy_id
* @param int $taxonomy_id
* @return void
public static function the_post_list_markup( $taxonomy_id ){
$args = array(
'post_type' => self::$post_type,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'posts_per_page' => self::$posts_per_page,//-1,
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => self::$term_name,
'field' => 'term_id',
'terms' => $taxonomy_id,
* Query Args Generate and Handle using $atts
* We will access args index key from $atts key
* @since
$this_atts = self::$atts;
$args = apply_filters('wppcd_query_args', $args);
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
if( $query->have_posts() ):
<ul class="item-list item-list-id-<?php echo esc_attr( $taxonomy_id ); ?>">
while( $query->have_posts() ): $query->the_post();
<li class="each-doc-item">
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_the_permalink() ) ?>" class="doc-link" target="_blank">
<?php echo esc_html( get_the_title() ); ?>