Coding Challenge for GAN
iOS This test consists of building an app and will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge as an iOS Engineer using Swift.
Create a Breaking Bad character explorer app with the following screens: ● A list of Breaking Bad characters ● Details about the selected character
Screen 1 - List of Breaking Bad characters ● Data: Image Character name
Functionality The user selects a character to transition to screen 2 The user should be able to search for a character by name The user should be able to filter characters by season appearance
Screen 2 - Details ● Data: Image Name Occupation Status Nickname Season appearance
Functionality The user can return back to screen 1
Guidelines ● We encourage you to use 3rd party libraries where you see fit. Be prepared to explain your decisions in your interview. ● We expect you to write as many tests as you consider necessary ● We expect you to host your project using a repository we can clone ● We will leave the layout up to you, surprise us
We don’t want to put you under too much pressure so there is no dead-line. However, the sooner you finish the faster we can move to the next step. We hope you enjoy this challenge and if you haven’t seen it, sorry for the spoilers!
API Information
API endpoint: ●
[ { "char_id": 1, "name": "Walter White", "birthday": "09-07-1958", "occupation": [ "High School Chemistry Teacher", "Meth King Pin" ], "img": "", "status": "Presumed dead", "nickname": "Heisenberg", "appearance": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "portrayed": "Bryan Cranston", "category": "Breaking Bad", "better_call_saul_appearance": [] }, { …} ]