Implement sequential, lock-based and lock-free concurrent data structures below:
Stack | Queue | Linked List | AVL Tree | HashTable | |
Sequential | Done | Done | Done | Done | |
Lock-based | Done | Done | Done | ||
Lock-free | Done | Done |
You can run bench like this:
cargo install cargo-criterion
# default feature has accumulating stats on available structure.
cargo criterion --bench {bench_name} --no-default-features
Available Benches:
- stack
- queue
- avltree
- btree
Several cds has its own statistics. Use it by printing on test.
cargo install flamegraph
sudo cargo flamegraph --no-default-features --test tests -- {test_name}
- common spin lock and sequece lock(SeqLock)
- flat combining lock
- lock stack(based on std::sync::Mutex and spin lock)
- Treiber's Stack
- Elimination-Backoff Stack
- lock queue(based on std::sync::Mutex and spin lock)
- two lock queue
- FCQueue(use flat combining lock)
- Michael-Scott queue
- TODO: implement Harris linked list
- SeqLockAVLTree, RwLockAVLTree(use crossbeam_utils::sync::ShardedLock)
- TODO: ?
- The Art of Multiprocessor Programming
- flat combining lock:
- Treiber's Stack:
- Elimination-Backoff Stack:
- two lock queue, Michael-Scott Queue: