Some handy tips and tricks hopefully
##SSH Helper Aliases
I log into servers often where I use a user account that is not my name e.g
Seems trivial but I have probably typed ssh systemuser@
thousands of times. The solution is to create a simple function and alias in bash
function ssh-helper {
ssh systemuser@$1
alias sshh='ssh-helper'
You can name the alias anything you like. In this case I used sshh
Another common issue is contacting AWS EC2 instances in a VPC, they may only have a private IP and may only be accessible via some jump host. Can we connect to these more easily?
function ssh-jump-helper {
ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p" systemuser@$1
alias sshj='ssh-jump-helper'
What is going on here? Mad hax
Specifies the command to use to connect to the server.
Requests that standard input and output on the client be forwarded to host %h
on port %p
over the secure channel.
Using this technique we can connect to private RFC1918 addressed within a VPC
Its a good idea to obfuscate the port on your jump host. You can specify that in the command also using the -p
option. The following code connects to the jumphost on port 4567
ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -p 4567 -W %h:%p" systemuser@$1