Test of W3C standards tests suites against Corese. Contains a generation application to generate JUnit tests from W3C tests suites manifest and a report generator from the JUnit test results.
Tested files and manifests are in the src/test/resources
- RDF tests
- SPARQL tests
- SHACL tests
- RDF tests
- RDF 1.1 tests
- JSON-LD tests
- RDF tests
- SPARQL tests
- Some tests for SPARQL 1.0 use a turtle format for the results of SELECT queries. To our knowledge, this format is not part of the SPARQL 1.0 standard
- The vocabulary used to define SHACL tests is an extension of the Manifest vocabulary used in all other tests. As of 04/10/2024, it is not dereferencable or available on Linked Open Vocabularies.
- issue
- Specific problem of