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Running perfrunner locally

Volker Mische edited this page Jun 17, 2015 · 13 revisions

This is a description on how to run perfrunner tests without Internet connectivity once everything is setup properly.

Setting up Vagrant VMs

As this takes a while, start with starting the VMs that will have the Couchbase nodes installed to run the perfrunner test against.

Checkout our vagrant recipes:

git clone

Start the VMs:

cd vagrants/3.0.2/ubuntu12
VAGRANT_NODES=4 vagrant up

Once they are up and running slight changes are needed to make the work for perfrunner.

Perfrunner currently needs to have a root account setup. As it normally uses "couchbase" as password, we'll do the same:

The password of the vagrant user is "vagrant". Enter "couchbase" when you're asked for the new password:

for i in 1 2 3 4; do ssh [email protected]${i} 'sudo passwd root'; done 

On my machine it took about 15s to get the SSH prompts, so be partient.

Next we try out if the newly setup root account works properly and installing additional packages. Hence the password you are prompted for is this time "couchbase":

for i in 1 2 3 4; do ssh [email protected]${i} 'apt-get -y install numactl sysstat atop'; done 

That's all that's needed for the virtual machines.

Setting up the perfrunner environment

Perfrunner consists of several pieces and some need to be patched as the changes are not merged upstream yet.

Setting up perfrunner

git clone

cd perfrunner
make build
cd ..

Setting up a seriesly server

Seriesly is used to store the metrics when they are collected.

GOPATH=`pwd`/seriesly go get

Setting up cbmonitor

cbmonitor is used to store and manage the final test output. The make step will take a while, grab a coffee.

git clone
make run

The make run will guide you through the initial setup. The exact username doesn't matter, feel free to choose any.

Running tests

In case your virtual machines are not running anymore, start them up again with:

VAGRANT_NODES=4 vagrant up

Go to the directory where you've setup the perfrunner environment and start seriesly:

cd seriesly

In a separate terminal start cbmonitor

cd cbmonitor
make run

Setup the cluster for a specific test you want to run:

cd perfrunner
./env/bin/python -m perfrunner.utils.cluster -c clusters/vagrant.spec -t tests/<your-test> \ "clusters.vagrant.\"\""

Run the actual test:

./env/bin/python -m perfrunner -c clusters/vagrant.spec -t <your-test-file> --local --nodebug "stats.cbmonitor_host.\"localhost:8000\",stats.seriesly_host.\"localhost\",clusters.vagrant.\"\""

Resetting cluster

Once you've run a test and want to run another one, you need to clean it up. This one-liner will do it:

for i in 1 2 3 4; do ssh [email protected]${i} '/etc/init.d/couchbase-server stop ; rm -f rm /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/ip*; rm -f /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat ; rm -rf /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/ ; /etc/init.d/couchbase-server start'; done