A simple example project on how to use the flask-ligand library. This example project is based on the example from the flask-smorest project. (Which is a core library that flask-ligand is built upon)
Follow the instructions below to start exploring this example project!
- Python 3.10+
- virtualenvwrapper
- Docker (with Compose V2)
$ git clone [email protected]:cowofevil/flask-ligand-example.git
Execute the following command to get a full list of make
$ make help
Create a Python virtual environment:
$ mkvirtualenv -p py310 flask-ligand-example
Setup develop environment:
$ make develop-venv
Setup git pre-commit hooks:
$ make setup-pre-commit
Verify that environment is ready for development:
$ make test-tox
The included docker environment used for integration testing can also be used for exploring the example project as well!
Setup the Docker environment:
$ make setup-integration
Verify that the Docker environment is ready:
$ make check-integration
(Optionally) Execute the integration tests:
$ make test-integration
This example project has all the bells and whistles enabled for the flask-ligand library which can be explored by using the included SwaggerUI documentation. Follow the instructions below to start start running a local Flask server to serve the SwaggerUI documentation.
Generate a '.env' file to configure Flask server to use the included Docker environment:
$ make gen-local-env-file
Initialize the database:
$ make setup-db
Generate a JWT access token with admin rights for accessing the included example project endpoints:
$ make gen-admin-access-token
Start the local Flask server:
$ make run
Open a browser and navigate to 'http://localhost:5000/apidocs'.
Click the 'Authorize' button and paste in the JWT access token you created previously.
Now go ahead and start playing around with the API!
If you would like to make changes to the Keycloak IAM clients to explore authentication then you can access the admin console by navigating to 'http://localhost:8080/admin/master/console/'. The admin credentials can be found in the 'docker/env_files/integration.env/' file.
For Flask-Migrate to work well when auto-generating migration scripts it is critical that the script.py.mako
template in the migrations
folder include an import for sqlalchemy_utils
. This project already has the template
updated, but if you are using the flask-ligand
library without copying this example project, then it is necessary
you make the appropriate update to the script.py.mako
template before using Flask-Migrate.