Releases: cpjet64/ScavengersCommunitySupportTool
Releases · cpjet64/ScavengersCommunitySupportTool
ScavengersCST v1.5
Full upgrade to custom sub forms and each subform has a confirm to continue checkbox when needed
added new features
Microsoft Updates function will fully update your computer except for Preview versions which tend to be buggy
Windows Firewall function resets WinFirewall to the default settings and rules
Reset Network function fully flushes your network adaptors
now if you run data collector or repair you are forced to input your discord username
ScavengersCST v1.4.2
fixed version label position in GUI
ScavengersCST v1.4.1
Fixed Typos, updated versioning and filehashing.
ScavengersCST v1.4
The initial release of full GUI conversion and automation of everything.
(ARCHIVE) Data Collector
This release adds a data collector-only tool for fast and accurate system info gathering.
changed Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_VideoController | Format-Table -AutoSize Name, CurrentHorizontalResolution, CurrentVerticalResolution, CurrentRefreshRate, @{Name="AdapterRamGB"; Expression={[int]($_.AdapterRam/1GB)}}, DriverDate, DriverVersion | Out-File -FilePath "$sstlog" -Encoding utf8 -Append
Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_VideoController | Format-Table -AutoSize -property Name, CurrentHorizontalResolution, CurrentVerticalResolution, CurrentRefreshRate, @{Name="AdapterRamGB"; Expression={[int]($_.AdapterRam/1GB)}}, DriverDate, DriverVersion | Out-File -FilePath "$sstlog" -Encoding utf8 -Append
(Archive) SST
Initial Release os Scavengers Support Tool