This repository houses the GarlicOS rootfs which can be booted via its accompanying 1st stage init script and a device-specific bootloader.
To create a bootable MicroSD card:
- Format it with an exfat filesystem
- Create a boot folder on it
- Copy this OS init script into the boot folder
- Extract this rootfs file into the boot folder with 7zip
All mentioned folders get created on the first OS boot.
Place all of your BIOS files into the /RetroArch/system subfolder
Place all of your ROMs into the corresponding /Library subfolder
Place all of your homebrew applications into the /Library/Apps subfolder
/Library subfolders are defined by their config.xml file, which can be edited as needed.
These can be found in the following subfolders:
- /RetroArch/saves
- /RetroArch/states
- /RetroArch/screenshots
- /RetroArch/thumbnails (currently unused outside of RetroArch)
All OS icons are stored in the /boot/icons subfolder and can be substituted for custom SVG files.
The default system icon can be substituted by placing a custom icon.svg file in the /Library subfolder.