Contains firebase integration for android application and In App notification.
Usage First:You have to create Firebase account then download the google-service.json and integrate it into your android project.
After adding Firebase messaging library in Build.gradle(Module:app) file “implementation ‘'”
and in Build.gradle(project:firebaseAppDemo) file, we have to put google plugin “classpath ‘’”, Boom firebase is added.
Now in landing screen this code will help you to get FCM_Token String firebaseToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
you can save it to your SharedPreference. -> after that call Register audience api using Retrofit,Volley or any other networking library. -> when response from the api gets successful , then you are now registered with cronberry. ->For inApp notification in your xml file create a webView and load the URL provide by the Cronberry
"" + audienceId + "&" + "api-key=" + apiKey;
in this url you have to put your audienceID (UserID) and ApiKey is Unique Generated API Key then inapp notification will be loaded.