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Java implemented Leetcode solutions

Basic plan: 16 easy + 8 medium for each category

Array(Oct 15, 2017)

  1. Array Partition I (Easy)
  2. Reshape the Matrix (Easy)
  3. Max Consecutive Ones (Easy)
  4. Max Area of Island (Easy)
  5. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array (Easy)
  6. Move Zeroes (Easy)
  7. Degree of an Array (Easy)
  8. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II (Easy)
  9. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted (Easy)
  10. Majority Element (Easy)
  11. Contains Duplicate (Easy)
  12. Image Smoother (Easy)
  13. Maximum Product of Three Numbers (Easy)
  14. Missing Number (Easy)
  15. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence (Easy)
  16. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Easy)
  17. Maximum Subarray (Easy)
  18. Search Insert Position (Easy)
  19. Remove Element (Easy)
  20. Find All Duplicates in an Array (Medium)
  21. Beautiful Arrangement II (Medium)
  22. Product of Array Except Self (Medium)
  23. Combination Sum III (Medium)
  24. Find the Duplicate Number (Medium)

HashTable(Nov 3, 2017)

  1. Keyboard Row (Easy)
  2. Distribute Candies (Easy)
  3. Island Perimeter (Easy)
  4. Single Number (Easy)
  5. Employee Importance (Easy)
  6. Find the Difference (Easy)
  7. Intersection of Two Arrays (Easy)
  8. Valid Anagram (Easy)
  9. Number of Boomerangs (Easy)
  10. Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists (Easy)
  11. Longest Palindrome (Easy)
  12. Intersection of Two Arrays II (Easy)
  13. Happy Number (Easy)
  14. Longest Harmonious Subsequence (Easy)
  15. Set Mismatch (Easy)
  16. Longest Word in Dictionary (Easy)
  17. Encode and Decode TinyURL (Medium)
  18. Find Duplicate File in System (Medium)
  19. Most Frequent Subtree Sum (Medium)
  20. Sort Characters By Frequency (Medium)
  21. Implement Magic Dictionary (Medium)
  22. Top K Frequent Elements (Medium)
  23. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (Medium)
  24. 4Sum II (Medium)

LinkedList(DEC 14, 2017)

  1. Delete Node in a Linked List (Easy)
  2. Reverse Linked List (Easy)
  3. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List (Easy)
  4. Merge Two Sorted Lists (Easy)
  5. Linked List Cycle (Easy)
  6. Palindrome Linked List (Easy)
  7. Remove Linked List Elements (Easy)
  8. Intersection of Two Linked Lists (Easy)
  9. Split Linked List in Parts (Medium)
  10. Add Two Numbers II (Medium)
  11. Odd Even Linked List (Medium)
  12. Swap Nodes in Pairs (Medium)
  13. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree (Medium)
  14. Remove Nth Node From End of List (Medium)

Math(DEC 23, 2017)

  1. Self Dividing Numbers (easy)
  2. Add Digits (easy)
  3. Range Addition II (easy)
  4. Sqrt(x) (easy)
  5. Count Primes (easy)
  6. Reverse Integer (easy)
  7. Optimal Division (Medium)
  8. Arithmetic Slices (Medium)
  9. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II (Medium)

Backtracking(Jan 16, 2018)

  1. Beautiful Arrangement (Medium)
  2. Generate Parentheses (Medium)
  3. Count Numbers with Unique Digits (Medium)
  4. Permutations (Medium)
  5. Gray Code (Medium)
  6. Combinations (Medium)
  7. Combination Sum (Medium)
  8. Subsets II (Medium)
  9. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (Medium)
  10. CombinationSumII (Medium)

BinarySearch(Jan 27, 2018)

  1. Valid Perfect Square (easy)
  2. Kth Smallest Element in a BST (Medium)
  3. IsSubsequence (Medium)
  4. (Medium)
  5. (Medium)
  6. (Medium)
  7. (Medium)
  8. (Medium)

Sub \[[0-9a-zA-Z].*[a-zA-Z]\] with [] to remove words in []

Sub [A-Z]+\.java with .java to remove file name

Sub linkedList with dirName remove dir name

Math(DEC 23, 2017)

  1. (Medium)
  2. (Medium)
  3. (Medium)
  4. (Medium)
  5. (Medium)
  6. (Medium)
  7. (Medium)
  8. (Medium)
  9. (Medium)
  10. (Medium)
  11. (Medium)
  12. (Medium)
  13. (Medium)
  14. (Medium)
  15. (Medium)
  16. (Medium)


Java implemented Leetcode solutions







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