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HOME > Setup Guide

Installation overwiew

Setting up Infoqscraper is a four steps process:

  1. Install ffmpeg
  2. Install swftools
  3. Install rtmpdump
  4. Install infoqscraper

Once installed, ffmpeg, swfrender and rtmpdump have to be in the PATH or their location can be specified on the command line.

### ffmpeg

Infoqscraper relies on ffmpeg to build the final movie. Most operating systems allow easy installation of ffmpeg.

However, ffmpeg evolved quite a lot in the last few years. They fixed a lot of bugs, provided new features so ensuring strong compatibility with a wide number of releases is quite challenging. Infoqscraper supports ffmpeg 0.7 or later for the legacy output type. All other output types requires a "recent" version of ffmpeg and libx264. It the version provided by your system is too old you can easily downald and install a static build of ffmpeg.

### swftools

While newer slides are JPG files, older ones are SWF. swftools is used to convert SWF into PNG. It is not always packaged but can be very easily compiled for your system. Any version will work.

### rtmpdump

Videos are delivered by Infoq using the rtmp protocol rather than http. Thus rtmpdump has to be installed.

### infoqscraper

Infoqscraper releases are upload on PyPI and can be installed using pip:

    pip install [--user] infoqscraper

The infoqscraper executable should now be available in your path. If not you have to add the installation directory (usually $HOME/.local/bin with --user) to the PATH environment variable or specify the full path of the command.

Step by step

Arch Linux

Install python2, swftools, rtmpdump and ffmpeg using pacman

    pacman -S python2 swftools rtmpdump ffmpeg

Then install Infoqscraper with

    pip2 install --user infoqscraper

Debian Stable

Install python-pip, swftools, rtmpdump and ffmpeg using apt-get:

apt-get install python-pip swftools rtmpdump ffmpeg

Then install Infoqscraper with:

pip install --user infoqscraper

ffmpeg comes in version 0.8. It is compatible with the legacy output type but the other ones require a newer version of ffmpeg. You can use a backport, the deb-multimedia repository or download a static build.


Install ffmpeg, swftools and rtmpdump using yum from rpmfusion:

yum install ffmpeg swftools rtmpdump

Then install Infoqscraper with

    pip install --user infoqscraper

Please note that rtmpdump from Fedora 19 is currently broken. You have to download rtmpdump source code and compile it.


Install pip, ffmpeg, swftools and rtmpdump with ports.

    sudo port install py27-pip ffmpeg swftools rtmpdump

Then install Infoqscraper with

    pip-2.7 install --user infoqscraper

After the installation is complete, the binary will be located at ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin.

Add following to your .bash_profile in your user directory:

    export PATH=~/Library/Python/2.7/bin:$PATH

And after terminal restart, you should be able to type infoqscraper and execute it.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Install rtmpdump using apt-get:

apt-get install rtmpdump ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-53 

swftools is not available and must installed manually.

ffmpeg comes in version 0.8. It is compatible with the legacy output type but the other ones require a newer version of ffmpeg. You can use a ppa or download a static build.

Ubuntu 12.10 and later

Install rtmpdump, swftools and ffmpeg using apt-get:

apt-get install rtmpdump ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-53 swftools

If your ffmpeg version is too old you can use a ppa or download a [static

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