Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, JPA, Hibernate, Angular8 and Log4j2
- Clone the repository
==> https://github.com/dag-gitfocus/GitFocus_Service.git
- Configure PostgreSQL
==> Create a database named gitFocus and schema postgres
==> Then, open src/main/resources/application.properties file and change the spring datasource username and password as per your PostgreSQL installation.
- Log4j2
==> Create folder in C:// and name like 'GitFocusLogs' to track log messages and events
- Run the app
Type the following command from the root directory of the project to run it -
Run As -> Spring Boot App
mvn spring-boot:run
Alternatively, you can package the application in the form of a JAR file and then run it like so -
mvn clean package
java -jar target/GitFocus-Service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
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