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Welcome to my Website!


This is an Astro project for my personal website, which I plan to use as a blog. The project is continually in development, as I also take it as an opportunity to learn something new.

I guess for experienced developers a lot of things in this repo will not make any sense, however, everybody has to start somewhere.


  • Frameworks:
  • Content management
    • For content I do use plain markdown (Astro's content collections) and Sveltia to manage it.


Deployments are done on Zerops for all new tags containing cms-* (automatically by Sveltia) or deploy-* (manually).


Required env vars:


libsql-server does run in bottomless replication mode, and it is replicated to Zerops object storage which is esentially an S3 bucket. The server is used as production, for local development i do use local files.


List of used variables can be found in the astro.config.mjs file.


Command Action
dev Starts local dev server at localhost:4321
dev:tunnel Runs a localtunnel proxy to test endpoints
dev-host Starts local dev server hosted at a network
build Build production site to ./dist/
start Starts the production server
preview Preview the build locally with Wrangler
astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro preview
sync Runs the astro sync command to generate content collection types
format:code Formattes code using Biome and Prettier
format:imports Formattes imports using Biome
build:index Generates indexes for Pagefind from ./dist/ (site mustbe built first)
compile:paraglide Compiles Paraglide project located at ./project.inlang