I'm Danny, a programmer from the Netherlands. I'm pretty comfortable writing Go, Rust, C, SQL, Bash, PHP, Python, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
- Koko Analytics: self-hostable PHP application for privacy friendly and lightweight website analytics.
- Koko Analytics for WordPress: lightweight and privacy-friendly analytics for your WordPress site.
- Mailchimp for WordPress: the #1 Mailchimp plugin for WordPress (actively used on well over 2M sites).
- Gozer: static site generator.
- vat: VAT number validation & current or historical rates retrieval for Golang.
- ibericode/vat: PHP library to handle EU VAT rules.
- Browserpass: browser extension for pass utilizing native messaging.
- Advent of Code: my solutions for Advent of Code 2015 - 2023. Implementations in C, C++, Rust, Python and Golang.
- Nederlang: bytecode interpreter and stack-based virtual machine for a programming language consisting of Dutch keywords, in Rust.
- 1BRC: C implementation of the 1 Billion Rows Challenge, in standard C99 with POSIX threads.
- Cnake: C implementation of the game Snake, in your terminal. Uses only ANSI escape sequences (so no ncurses or other deps).
- Pepper Lang: toy programming language, in C.
- Fathom Analytics: I was the developer of the original open-source version before I left Fathom due to family obligations and it was slowly abandoned in favor of a paid and closed-source product.
- AltoRouter: routing class for PHP.
- Grender: Go package for writing JSON, XML and HTML to HTTP response streams.
- go-moneybird: Go client library for Moneybird.
- populate.js: populate a HTMLFormElement from a JSON object.
You can find some of my code here on GitHub or here on SourceHut.