Desktop application created in Python using PyQt framework. It's main purpouse is to serve as the tool for GTD.
It was designed to work with similar application for mobile phones with Android operating system called Shuffle. This fact influenced significant part of the application design.
Project was developed for my Bachelor thesis. Large part of the application was recently rewritten and is still being improved.
- Complete equivalent of the Shuffle application
- Synchronization of data using git
- Android application Shuffle was improved to support synchronization through git
- PyQt4
- GitPython
Execute python
to run this application.
- Bulk delete
- Empty message
- Add deafault contexts, projects, actions
- Deleting project does not set empty project for project's actions
- Add not before field
- When selecting project with default context while creating action, implicitly add context
- Details in action create shoul be only placeholder
- Tab and del key support
- Better sheduling of the action
- Better workflow for creating actions - do not reset the fields, show better message
- Order inbox by scheduling, order project list by scheduling