It is a program for training a model that can recognize english words (4-6 character lengths). Using a trained model, a simple web API is developed to return a random English word captcha image, target English word and prediction from the model.
Ubuntu 16.04, Python 3.5.2
- Data preparation
- Model Training
- Local Server Setup
A library named Captcha is used for generating captcha from given text.
Words with 4-6 character length are selected from the built-in english word dictionary ("/usr/share/dict/word") in Ubuntu. For each word, a captcha image in png format with height 80, width 200 and channel 3 is generated. In total, 20684 captcha images are generated and stored in folder("model/train").
The code is saved as in folder("model").
Keras + Tensorflow-gpu are used for training the model.
The chaptcha image dataset is split into 3 parts (train, validation, testing) in the ratio of 0.68: 0.17: 0.15.
I started with the one mentioned in this article ( and made some changes.
After 300 epochs of training, the model with lowest validation loss (0.12) is chosen. It has ~ 98% accuracy in identifying individual characters, roughly 0.98^5=90.4% accuracy in identifying the whole captcha image.
The code is saved as in folder("model"). The trained model is stored in .hdf5 format in folder ("static").
A common python web framework Flask is used. Source:
The relevant files include in root folder and index.html in folder("templates").
The front-end is a simple webpage with a single button to generate random captcha image and the prediction made by the trained model. With the use of JQuery, the button will fire an ajax call to the server. The server will handle this request and return a json containing the captcha image and predition.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
flask run
A local server will be run on localhost:5000.
This repository is pushed to Heroku, a free web hosting website.
Please note that the server may be down for serveral hours per day becuase of the free plan and it takes some time for the server to reboot from sleep mode.
Some configuaration files are needed to setup Heroku. They are Procfile, nltk.txt, requirements.txt and runtime.txt.