This script creates an association between an RDS instance and an SNS topic. Both of which should already exist. This subscription places events from categories like 'failover' and 'configuration changes' from the RDS instance on to the given SNS topic. Something you unfortunately can not currently do from Ansible or CloudFormation.
Create a new event subscription for all events
create-rds-sns-association -n event_sub_name -i rds-inst-phy-id -t arn:snip:snip -r eu-west-1
Create a new event subscription and show boto debug
create-rds-sns-association -n event_sub_name -i rds-inst-phy-id -t arn:snip:snip -r eu-west-1 --debug
- this does not use the environment variables for setting region yet.
- it currently adds -all- the event types for a given source.