A command to fetch the official Amazon IP ranges and provide a few filtering options to restrict the ranges returned.
Show all IPv4 addresses in the sa-east-1 and eu-west-1 regions
aws-ips --region sa-east-1,eu-west-1
Show all services in the data file
aws-ips --services
Show all IPv6 addresses in the ap-northeast-1 region
aws-ips -r ap-northeast-1 -i 6
Show all IPv4 addresses used by the EC2 service in eu-west-1
aws-ips --region eu-west-1 --service EC2
A simple command line tool to print the AWS region code and description. Written to stop people asking 'Is that one Virginia?'
$ aws-regions
ap-northeast-1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
... snip ...
us-west-2 US West (Oregon)
$ aws-regions ap-
ap-northeast-1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Singapore)
ap-southeast-2 Asia Pacific (Sydney)
$ aws-regions eu-central-1
EU (Frankfurt)
The cfn-show command provides a number of different views of a CloudFormation json templates contents.
The basic command will display all the names of all resources in a given section, defaulting to 'Resources'.
$ cfn-show templates/web-app.json
You can also specify an alternate section to display.
$ cfn-show templates/web-app.json outputs
If you are unsure of which sections a template contains you can run
$ cfn-show templates/web-app.json sections
Once you've found the section and resource you're interested in you can expand it -
$ cfn-show templates/web-app.json resources IAMRolesStack
"Type": "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack",
"Properties": {
"TemplateURL": {
"Ref": "IAMRolesURL"
"Parameters": {
"App": "location",
"Type": "webapp",
"Stack": {
"Ref": "CommonStackName"
"Env": {
"Ref": "DeploymentEnvironment"
You can alter the format of this display with the 'indent' and 'show name' options:
$ cfn-show templates/web-app.json resources IAMRolesStack -n -i 2
"IAMRolesStack" : {
"Type": "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack",
"Properties": {
"TemplateURL": {
"Ref": "IAMRolesURL"
... snip ...
The cfn-summary command provides an overview of a CloudFormation json templates contents.
$ cfn-summary templates/web-app.json
Conditions has 2 resources
Mappings has 1 resources
Outputs has 2 resources
Parameters has 20 resources
Resources has 10 resources
You can also specify sections to summarise. In this example we check the number of inputs and outputs for a stack.
$ cfn-summary templates/web-app.json parameters,outputs
Outputs has 2 resources
Parameters has 20 resources
The unused-iam-profiles command attempts to list any IAM instance profiles that have been created but are not in use by any running EC2 instances.
23 of 100 IAM Profiles are unused ## BETA!
It is written in ruby and uses the AWS Ruby SDK, available via 'gem install aws-sdk'
This script creates an association between an RDS instance and an SNS topic. Both of which should already exist. This subscription places events from categories like 'failover' and 'configuration changes' from the RDS instance on to the given SNS topic. Something you unfortunately can not currently do from Ansible or CloudFormation.
Create a new event subscription for all events
create-rds-sns-association -n event_sub_name -i rds-inst-phy-id -t arn:snip:snip -r eu-west-1
Create a new event subscription and show boto debug
create-rds-sns-association -n event_sub_name -i rds-inst-phy-id -t arn:snip:snip -r eu-west-1 --debug
- this does not use the environment variables for setting region yet.
- it currently adds -all- the event types for a given source.