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New ClickHouse Driver for MetaBase
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enqueue committed Mar 11, 2019
1 parent d09559f commit f01deb6
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Showing 6 changed files with 439 additions and 0 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
(defproject metabase/clickhouse-driver "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-0.1.48"
:min-lein-version "2.5.0"

[[ "0.1.50"
:exclusions [com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core

{:dependencies [[metabase-core "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]]}

{:auto-clean true
:aot :all
:javac-options ["-target" "1.8", "-source" "1.8"]
:target-path "target/%s"
:uberjar-name "clickhouse.metabase-driver.jar"}})
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions resources/metabase-plugin.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
name: Metabase ClickHouse Driver
version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-0.1.48
description: Allows Metabase to connect to ClickHouse databases.
name: clickhouse
display-name: ClickHouse
lazy-load: true
parent: sql-jdbc
- name: dbname
display-name: Database Name
placeholder: default
- host
- merge:
- port
- default: 8123
- user
- password
- ssl
- merge:
- additional-options
- placeholder: "max_rows_to_group_by=42"
connection-properties-include-tunnel-config: true
- step: load-namespace
namespace: metabase.driver.clickhouse
- step: register-jdbc-driver
263 changes: 263 additions & 0 deletions src/metabase/driver/clickhouse.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
(ns metabase.driver.clickhouse
"Driver for ClickHouse databases"
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as string]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[config :as config]
[driver :as driver]
[util :as u]]
[common :as driver.common]
[sql :as sql]]
[common :as sql-jdbc.common]
[connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
[execute :as sql-jdbc.execute]
[sync :as sql-jdbc.sync]]
[metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
[metabase.driver.sql.util.unprepare :as unprepare]
[date :as du]
[honeysql-extensions :as hx]]
[schema.core :as sc])
(:import [java.sql DatabaseMetaData Time]

(driver/register! :clickhouse, :parent :sql-jdbc)

(def ^:private database-type->base-type
[#"Array" :type/*]
[#"DateTime" :type/DateTime]
[#"Date" :type/Date]
[#"Decimal" :type/Decimal]
[#"Enum8" :type/*]
[#"Enum16" :type/*]
[#"FixedString" :type/Text]
[#"Float32" :type/Float]
[#"Float64" :type/Float]
[#"Int8" :type/Integer]
[#"Int16" :type/Integer]
[#"Int32" :type/Integer]
[#"Int64" :type/BigInteger]
[#"String" :type/Text]
[#"Tuple" :type/*]
[#"UInt8" :type/Integer]
[#"UInt16" :type/Integer]
[#"UInt32" :type/Integer]
[#"UInt64" :type/BigInteger]
[#"UUID" :type/UUID]]))

(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/database-type->base-type :clickhouse [_ database-type]
(string/replace (name database-type) #"(?:Nullable|LowCardinality)\((\S+)\)" "$1")))

(defmethod sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas :clickhouse [_]

(defmethod sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec :clickhouse
[_ {:keys [user password dbname host port ssl]
:or {user "default", password "", dbname "default", host "localhost", port "8123"}
:as details}]
(-> {:classname ""
:subprotocol "clickhouse"
:subname (str "//" host ":" port "/" dbname)
:password password
:user user
:ssl (boolean ssl)
:use_server_time_zone_for_dates true}
(sql-jdbc.common/handle-additional-options details, :seperator-style :url)))

(defn- modulo [a b]
(hsql/call :modulo a b))

(defn- to-relative-day-num [expr]
(hsql/call :toRelativeDayNum (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defn- to-relative-month-num [expr]
(hsql/call :toRelativeMonthNum (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defn- to-start-of-year [expr]
(hsql/call :toStartOfYear (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defn- to-day-of-year [expr]
(hx/- (to-relative-day-num expr)
(to-relative-day-num (to-start-of-year expr)))

(defn- to-week-of-year [expr]
(hsql/call :toUInt8 (hsql/call :formatDateTime (hx/+ (hsql/call :toDate expr) 1) "%V")))

(defn- to-month-of-year [expr]
(hx/- (to-relative-month-num expr)
(to-relative-month-num (to-start-of-year expr)))

(defn- to-quarter-of-year [expr]
(hsql/call :ceil (hx//
(hx/- (to-relative-month-num expr)
(to-relative-month-num (to-start-of-year expr)))

(defn- to-start-of-week [expr]
;; ClickHouse weeks start on Monday
(hx/- (hsql/call :toMonday (hx/+ (hsql/call :toDate expr) 1)) 1))

(defn- to-start-of-minute [expr]
(hsql/call :toStartOfMinute (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defn- to-start-of-hour [expr]
(hsql/call :toStartOfHour (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defn- to-hour [expr]
(hsql/call :toHour (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defn- to-minute [expr]
(hsql/call :toMinute (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defn- to-year [expr]
(hsql/call :toYear (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defn- to-day [expr]
(hsql/call :toDate expr))

(defn- to-day-of-week [expr]
;; ClickHouse weeks start on Monday
(hx/+ (modulo (hsql/call :toDayOfWeek (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)) 7) 1))

(defn- to-day-of-month [expr]
(hsql/call :toDayOfMonth (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defn- to-start-of-month [expr]
(hsql/call :toStartOfMonth (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defn- to-start-of-quarter [expr]
(hsql/call :toStartOfQuarter (hsql/call :toDateTime expr)))

(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :default] [_ _ expr] expr)
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :minute] [_ _ expr] (to-start-of-minute expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :minute-of-hour] [_ _ expr] (to-minute expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :hour] [_ _ expr] (to-start-of-hour expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :hour-of-day] [_ _ expr] (to-hour expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :day-of-week] [_ _ expr] (to-day-of-week expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :day-of-month] [_ _ expr] (to-day-of-month expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :day-of-year] [_ _ expr] (to-day-of-year expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :week-of-year] [_ _ expr] (to-week-of-year expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :month] [_ _ expr] (to-start-of-month expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :month-of-year] [_ _ expr] (to-month-of-year expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :quarter-of-year] [_ _ expr] (to-quarter-of-year expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :year] [_ _ expr] (to-year expr))

(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :day] [_ _ expr] (to-day expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :week] [_ _ expr] (to-start-of-week expr))
(defmethod sql.qp/date [:clickhouse :quarter] [_ _ expr] (to-start-of-quarter expr))

(defmethod sql.qp/unix-timestamp->timestamp [:clickhouse :seconds] [_ _ expr]
(hsql/call :toDateTime expr))

(defmethod unprepare/unprepare-value [:clickhouse Date] [_ value]
(format "parseDateTimeBestEffort('%s')" (du/date->iso-8601 value)))

(prefer-method unprepare/unprepare-value [:clickhouse Date] [:sql Time])

;; Parameter values for date ranges are set via TimeStamp. This confuses the ClickHouse
;; server, so we override the default formatter
(sc/defmethod sql/->prepared-substitution [:clickhouse java.util.Date] :- sql/PreparedStatementSubstitution
[_ date]
(sql/make-stmt-subs "?" [(du/format-date "yyyy-MM-dd" date)]))

;; ClickHouse doesn't support `TRUE`/`FALSE`; it uses `1`/`0`, respectively;
;; convert these booleans to numbers.
(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:clickhouse Boolean]
[_ bool]
(if bool 1 0))

(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:clickhouse :stddev]
[driver [_ field]]
(hsql/call :stddevSamp (sql.qp/->honeysql driver field)))

(defmethod sql.qp/->honeysql [:clickhouse :/]
[driver args]
(let [args (for [arg args]
(hsql/call :toFloat64 (sql.qp/->honeysql driver arg)))]
((get-method sql.qp/->honeysql [:sql :/]) driver args)))

(defmethod sql.qp/quote-style :clickhouse [_] :mysql)

;; ClickHouse aliases are globally usable. Once an alias is introduced, we
;; can not refer to the same field by qualified name again, unless we mean
;; it. See
;; We add a suffix to make the reference in the query unique.
(defmethod sql.qp/field->alias :clickhouse [_ field]
(str (:name field) "_mb_alias"))

;; See above. We are removing the artificial alias suffix
(defmethod driver/execute-query :clickhouse [driver query]
(sql-jdbc.execute/execute-query :sql-jdbc query)
(fn [columns]
(mapv (fn [column]
(if (string/ends-with? column "_mb_alias")
(subs column 0 (string/last-index-of column "_mb_alias"))

(defn- get-tables
"Fetch a JDBC Metadata ResultSet of tables in the DB, optionally limited to ones belonging to a given schema."
[^DatabaseMetaData metadata, ^String schema-or-nil, ^String db-name-or-nil]
(.getTables metadata db-name-or-nil schema-or-nil "%" ; tablePattern "%" = match all tables
(into-array String ["TABLE", "VIEW", "FOREIGN TABLE", "MATERIALIZED VIEW"])))))

(defn- post-filtered-active-tables
[driver, ^DatabaseMetaData metadata, & [db-name-or-nil]]
(set (for [table (filter #(not (contains? (sql-jdbc.sync/excluded-schemas driver) (:table_schem %)))
(get-tables metadata db-name-or-nil nil))]
(let [remarks (:remarks table)]
{:name (:table_name table)
:schema (:table_schem table)
:description (when-not (string/blank? remarks)

(defn- ->spec [db-or-id-or-spec]
(if (u/id db-or-id-or-spec)
(sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec db-or-id-or-spec)

;; ClickHouse exposes databases as schemas, but MetaBase sees
;; schemas as sub-entities of a database, at least the fast-active-tables
;; implementation would lead to duplicate tables because it iterates
;; over all schemas of the current dbs and then retrieves all
;; tables of a schema
(defmethod driver/describe-database :clickhouse
[driver db-or-id-or-spec]
(jdbc/with-db-metadata [metadata (->spec db-or-id-or-spec)]
{:tables (post-filtered-active-tables
;; TODO: this only covers the db case, not id or spec
driver metadata (get-in db-or-id-or-spec [:details :db]))}))

(defmethod driver.common/current-db-time-date-formatters :clickhouse [_]
(driver.common/create-db-time-formatters "yyyy-MM-dd"))

(defmethod driver.common/current-db-time-native-query :clickhouse [_]
"SELECT formatDateTime(NOW(), '%F %R.%S')")

(defmethod driver/current-db-time :clickhouse [& args]
(apply driver.common/current-db-time args))

(defmethod driver/display-name :clickhouse [_] "ClickHouse")

(defmethod driver/supports? [:clickhouse :foreign-keys] [_ _] false)

;; TODO: Nested queries are actually supported, but I do not know how
;; to make the driver use correct aliases per sub-query
(defmethod driver/supports? [:clickhouse :nested-queries] [_ _] false)
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions test/metabase/driver/clickhouse_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
(ns metabase.driver.clickhouse-test
"Tests for specific behavior of the ClickHouse driver."
(:require [expectations :refer :all]
[metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.connection :as sql-jdbc.conn]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.query-processor-test :refer :all]
[ :as data]
[datasets :as datasets]
[interface :as tx]]
[metabase.test.util :as tu]))

(datasets/expect-with-driver :clickhouse

(datasets/expect-with-driver :clickhouse
(-> (data/with-temp-db
(tx/create-database-definition "ClickHouse with Decimal Field"
[{:field-name "my_money", :base-type {:native "Decimal(12,3)"}}]
[[1.0] [23.0] [42.0] [42.0]]])]
(data/run-mbql-query test-data
{:expressions {:divided [:/ $my_money 2]}
:filter [:> [:expression :divided] 1.0]
:breakout [[:expression :divided]]
:order-by [[:desc [:expression :divided]]]
:limit 1}))
first-row last float))

{:classname ""
:subprotocol "clickhouse"
:subname "//localhost:8123/foo?sessionTimeout=42"
:user "default"
:password ""
:ssl false
:use_server_time_zone_for_dates true}
(sql-jdbc.conn/connection-details->spec :clickhouse
{:host "localhost"
:port "8123"
:dbname "foo"
:additional-options "sessionTimeout=42"}))

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