The goal of these two Python scripts ( and is to preprocess samples of text data in order to parse out ‘significant language.’ How ‘significant langauge’ is defined depends on which script you use.
This script performs a simple analysis that will return the top 200 most frequently occurring phrases (from one to three words long) from your sample, and how many documents (samples) they occurred on.
- A .txt file containing your sample of texts, each text in its own row, and no header. The texts should be cleaned so that each word is delimited by a specific character (EX: ‘|’). The file can have an ID column in the first column (so then texts are in the second column), or just a single column containing the texts
- Parameters for setting threshold on which single words to keep:
- Minimum threshold = min number of texts a word has to appear in to be kept
- Maximum threshold = max number of texts a word is allowed to appear in to be kept
- ‘top200_trigrams.txt’ is outputted to your working directory; this contains the top 200 most commonly occurring tokens and their document frequency
- Intermediate files are outputted to wherever the original .txt
file was stored. These are .txt files that contain:
- Doc frequencies for all single words in the original corpus
- Doc frequencies for all uni, bi, and trigrams in the core language body of the corpus
- The trigram versions of the original texts
- A log file called ‘simple.log’ is outputted to your working directory
This script performs a more complex analysis by comparing your target sample with a non-target sample in order to filter out ‘meaningless’ language (aka language you are not interested in because they occur with the same incidence on your target and non-target samples). The script returns a list of all phrases that meet given thresholds to be considered ‘significant’, ordered by significance. These thresholds are:
- minimum docnum = minimum number of documents in your target sample a phrase has occurred on; given by user input
- multiplier = how many more times a phrase has occurred on documents in your target sample vs documents in your non-target sample; default is 2
- p-value = maximum p-value from calculating a t-test on the occurrence of a phrase on your target sample vs your non-target sample; default is 0.25
- Texts from both samples are reduced to bodies of single words; rare words are kicked out.
- Then, t-tests are conducted between the two samples on the single words retained from (1)
- A generous p-value threshold is used to omit words that occur with similar frequency on both samples; these words are deleted from both samples. (Here we’re just trying to kick out words that are obviously irrelevant, not trying to draw any inferences)
- Trigrams are created on both reduced samples; this performs faster than just creating trigrams on the full raw text since there are ‘holes’ everywhere that can be skipped over
- t-tests are conducted between the two trigram’d samples created from (4) and results are outputted.
- A .txt file containing your sample of your target texts, each text in its own row, and no header. The texts should be cleaned so that each word is delimited by a specific character (EX: ‘|’). The file can have an ID column in the first column (so then texts are in the second column), or just a single column containing the texts
- A .txt file containing your filter sample of texts, same format as above.
- Parameters for setting threshold on which single words to keep:
- Minimum threshold = min number of texts a word has to appear in to be kept
- ‘top_trigrams.txt’ is outputted to your working directory; this
- col 1: tokens from the core language body of the corpus
- col 2: p-values from conducting t-tests comparing token counts on the target sample vs the filter sample
- col 3: document frequencies for the target texts
- col 4: document frequencies for the filter texts
- Intermediate files are outputted to wherever the original .txt
file was stored. These are .txt files that contain:
- Doc frequencies for all single words in the original corpus for each sample
- t-test results for comparing single words between the two samples
- Doc frequencies for all uni, bi, and trigrams in the core language body of the corpus for each sample
- The trigram versions of the original texts for each sample
- Three-word phrases are reduced so that the middle word is a free word and is represented by a dash (EX: ‘cats are animals’ becomes ‘cats - animals’)
- Default file encoding is cp1252 in the scripts due to usage with files from Windows applications. Default encoding is utf-8 in the modules
Both scripts can be run from the command line:
They will prompt for user inputs when needed.
There is an example file containing public Congress transcripts in sample_texts that you can run the simple script on. Haven’t put up an appropriate pair of sample texts for the filtered script yet.
- Integrate scripts somehow - seems redundant to have two separate scripts, when functionality and inputs are similar
- Get the file encoding to be a user input also
- Introduce steps prior to these scripts to help clean/standardize text into the desired format
- Add sample texts/examples to demonstrate scripts on
- Look into possible ways to boost performance
- Look at adding other parameters as possible user inputs