- [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration - @iocanel
- [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.10.0 - @iocanel
- refactor: Tests now use their own dedicated profile. - @iocanel
- fix: gradle examples now ensure that dekorate has visibility to actuator. - @iocanel
- doc: reorganize examples doc. - @iocanel
- fix: openshift-annotations now correctly exports services. - @iocanel
- fix: Potential NPE when matching by metadata. - @iocanel
- chore: Simplify examples. - @iocanel
- chore: Remove redundant examples. - @iocanel
- doc: describe hybrid test cases. - @iocanel
- Add support to gradle kotlin dsl - undefined
- refactor (#324): Move throntail integration tests into independant modules. - @iocanel
- refactor (#324): Move spring integration tests to independant modules. - @iocanel
- refactor (#324): Moved halkyon integration tests to independant modules. - @iocanel
- refactor (#324): Move openshift-annotations integration tests into independant modules. - @iocanel
- refactor (#324): Move integration tests from kubernetes-annotation as individual modules. - @iocanel
- doc: document test cases dekorate needs to cover. - @iocanel
- chore: upgrade to latest kubernetes-client version. - @iocanel
- fix (#385): Dekorate no longer wraps generated resources into a KubernetesList. - @iocanel
- fix (#340): All sundrio dependencies are now compile scoped and optional. - @iocanel
- fix (#360): Builder image stream now does not stip registry. - @iocanel