❝“I didn’t work hard to make Ruby perfect for everyone, because you feel differently from me. No language can be perfect for everyone. I tried to make Ruby perfect for me, but maybe it’s not perfect for you. The perfect language for Guido van Rossum is probably Python.”— Yukihiro Matsumoto, aka “Matz”, creator of Ruby ❞
Hi, I'm Batuhan Apaydın, a Software Engineer 🚀 from Turkey, but I describes myself as a Technology Entusiast, Life-Long Learner !!
- 🌱 I’m currently exploring new things in technology.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other content creators.
- 🥅 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects
- ⚡ I love to play with new cli tools and technologies.
- Fast and Furious Building OCI compatible Container Images with GoReleaser and ko
- How to become the next Sigstore Evangelist?
- Distribute your Binaries hosted on a private GitLab repository with HomeBrew using GoReleaser
- GoReleaser And Software Supply Chain Security
- How to verify container images with Kyverno using KMS, Cosign, and Workload Identity