Widget library has some vital peerDependencies
as a core tool stack. Make sure having all those dependencies installed in app before starting the integration:
"@tanstack/react-query": "^5.28.4",
"react": ">=18.2.0",
"viem": "^2.8.14",
"wagmi": "^2.5.11"
- Installation:
npm i @dhedge/trading-widget
- Providers hierarchy
import { WagmiProvider } from 'wagmi'
import { TradingPanelProvider, TradingWidget } from '@dhedge/trading-widget'
- Setup Wagmi Provider on top level or use existing one in your app
- Setup TradingPanelProvider
- Setup TradingWidget
- Minimum required config
See bare minimum setup example: packages/trading-widget/src/examples/simple-example.tsx
- Styling
import '@dhedge/trading-widget/style.css'
Initially widget takes full parent width
See TradingWidget -> theme
config to manage customization
Top level provider component. Headless part of trading logic. API handles params to setup initialState
and actions
. See below for more details
Optional General callbacks to interact with 3rd party services
name type default value description onUpdateSendTokenInput
(payload: Partial<{ address: Address
; symbol:string
; value:string
; decimals:number
; isLoading?:boolean
}>) => voidundefined triggers on send token change onUpdateTradingSettings
(payload: Partial<{ slippage: number | 'auto'
; minSlippage?:number
; isMultiAssetWithdrawalEnabled:boolean
; isMaxSlippageLoading:boolean
}>) => voidundefined triggers on trading settings change onSetTradingType
(payload: 'deposit' | 'withdraw'
) => voidundefined triggers on trading type change onUpdateTradingModal
(payload: Partial<{ isOpen: boolean
; status:'Success' | 'None' | 'Mining' | 'Wallet'
}>) => voidundefined triggers on trading modal change onUpdateTransactions
(payload: AddTransaction | UpdateTransaction | RemoveTransaction) => void undefined triggers on transaction action change onTradingSettleError
(error: Error
) => voidundefined triggers on trading settle error onTransactionError
(error: Error
, action:TransactionAction
, chainId?:ChainId
, txHash?:Address
) => voidundefined triggers on transaction error onTransactionSuccess
(data: WaitForTransactionReceiptReturnType
, action:TransactionAction
, link?:string
) => voidundefined triggers on transaction success onTransactionEstimationError
(error: EstimationError
, address:Address
, chainId?:ChainId
, account?:Address
) => voidundefined triggers on transaction estimation error onTokenSelector
(payload: { isOpen: boolean
; entity:'token' | 'pool'
}) => voidundefined triggers on token selector change onLog
(eventName: string
, payload?:Record<string, unknown>
) => voidundefined triggers on log event onSimulateTransaction
(payload: { chainId: ChainId
; from:Address
: to:Address
; input:string
; gas:number
; value?:string
}) => Promise<{ link?:string
; simulation: { status:boolean
; error_message:string
} } | null>undefined triggers to simulate transaction and get error details after failed tx estimation getSwapData
({ signal: AbortSignal
, variables: { chainId:number
; sourceAddress:Address
; destinationAddress:Address
; walletAddress:Address
; fromAddress:Address
; amount:string
; slippage:string
} }) => Promise<{ destinationAmount:string
; txData:string
; routerKey:'ONE_INCH' / 'ONE_INCH_V5' / 'ZERO_X' / 'PARASWAP' / 'PARASWAP_V6'
} } | null>undefined provides off chain swap data based on send token value
Optional initial state of trading panel
name type default value description poolAddress
Address AddressZero
Current active pool address poolConfigMap
Record<Address, PoolConfig> {}
Map of pool configs available for trading settings
{ slippage: number | 'auto'
; minSlippage?:number
; isInfiniteAllowance:boolean
; isMultiAssetWithdrawalEnabled:boolean
; isMaxSlippageLoading:boolean
}{ slippage: 'auto'
; isInfiniteAllowance:false
; isMultiAssetWithdrawalEnabled:true
; isMaxSlippageLoading:false
}Panel settings type
'deposit' | 'withdraw' 'deposit'
Trading type input
{ sendToken: { address: Address
; symbol:string
; value:string
; decimals:number
; isLoading?:boolean
}; receiveToken: { address:Address
; symbol:string
; value:string
; decimals:number
; isLoading?:boolean
} }poolConfigMap[poolAddress]
Send/receive tokens pair entryFee
{ deposit: number
; depositWithCustomCooldown:number
; }{ deposit: 0
; depositWithCustomCooldown:0.1
}Entry fee config map modal
{ isOpen: boolean
; status:'Success' | 'None' | 'Mining' | 'Wallet'
; action:'deposit' | 'withdraw' | 'approve | 'oraclesUpdate'
; link?:string
; sendToken: TradingToken | null; receiveToken: TradingToken | null }{ isOpen:
'None', receiveToken:
null, sendToken:
Trading modal state transactions
{ action: 'deposit' | 'withdraw' | 'approve'
; symbol:string
; chainId:ChainId
; txHash?:Address
Pending transactions poolFallbackData
{ address: Address
; managerLogicAddress?:Address
; poolCompositions:PoolComposition[]
; tokenPrice?:string
; apy?: { value:number
; currency:'USD' | 'ETH'
} }{ address: AddressZero
}Current active pool fallback data to override or extend contract's response defaultChainId
number (optional) undefined Chain id that will be returned from useNetwork wagmi hook when connected to unsupported network
UI configuration provider. Manages params to configure custom styling, components, translations and basic trading params. Decomposed into config
, components
, theme
and translation
params. See below for more details
General feature configuration params
name type default value description isGeoBlocked
Restricts depositing action button and conditionally renders GeoBlockAlert component isSanctioned
Restricts depositing action button and conditionally renders SanctionedAlert component depositQuoteDiffWarningThreshold
Deposit slippage absolute percent value warning threshold, Affects styling to warn user depositQuoteDiffErrorThreshold
Deposit slippage absolute percent value error threshold, Affects styling to warn user defaultWithdrawSlippage
[0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 3]
Initial withdraw slippage absolute percent. Further adjustments are available in panel settings defaultSwapTransactionSlippage
Default slippage (%) applied to swap transaction. defaultNoSwapMinDepositAmountGap
Default gap (%) for min received vault tokens during no swap deposits. defaultNotificationDuration
Notification duration in ms defaultLockTime
'24 hours'
Formatted default deposit lock time to be displayed in panel (Long lockup period is used to bypass entry fee and can be managed in panel settings) customLockTime
'15 minutes'
Formatted custom deposit lock time alternative to be displayed in panel stablePrecision
Number of decimals to be displayed in stables (e.g USDC balance) defaultPrecision
Number of decimals to be displayed in token values stakingChainId
(Optimism)ChainId to be used in staking logic termsOfUseAccepted
Requires user to confirm terms of use by rendering DepositTermsOfUse component before deposit action standalone
Handles token selection in SPA mode isAllAssetsWithdrawOptionDefault
Sets "All Assets" withdraw option by default chainConfig
Partial<Record<ChainId, { name: string; iconPath: string }>>
Sets map of chain name
Offchain swap data will be used for Aave withdrawals for selected chains aaveOffchainWithdrawMinValue
Value in USD when off-chain Aave withdrawal is enabled getFallbackIconPath
(tokenName: string) => string
Fallback token icon path getter
name type default value description onConnect
() => void
() => {}
Widget has built-in Connect Wallet
action button that triggersonConnect
callback assuming starting of abstract wallet connection process. After all the only requirement is to get connected wallet inside wagmi'suseAccount
hook to make trading operations possibleonAcceptTermsOfUse
() => Promise<boolean>
() => Promise.resolve(true)
Callback is triggered after user's approval of Terms of Use statements assuming switching of external config.termsOfUseAccepted
param totrue
Custom components to be injected into widget layout
name type default value description GeoBlockAlert
ComponentType <GeoBlockAlert>
Component replaces deposit button while isGeoBlocked
config param is set totrue
ComponentType <SanctionedAlert>
Component replaces deposit button while isSanctioned
config param is set totrue
ComponentType undefined
Component is injected into deposit meta part of widget layout nearby TransactionOverviewDisclosure WithdrawMetaInfo
ComponentType undefined
Component is injected into withdraw meta part of widget layout nearby WithdrawTransactionOverviewDisclosure ExtraActionButton
ComponentType undefined
Component is injected below deposit action button and rendered if isGeoBlocked
config param is set tofalse
ComponentType <img>
Component optionally can be used to pass nextjs
Image component to be used for assets renderingLogoSpinner
ComponentType<SVGProps> <Spinner>
Component is injected into widget pending transaction overlay. Assume using of spinning animation DepositTermsOfUse
ComponentType undefined
Component is injected into TermsOfUseOverlay
to extend default terms of use statement pointsActionButton
ComponentType <ActionButton>
Component overrides default ActionButton
and hasButtonProps
Widget styling variables config
path: global.color[name]
name type default value description colorTextPrimary
string #ffffff
Primary text color colorTextPrimaryHover
string #ffffffCC
Primary hover text color colorBorderPrimary
string global?.color?.colorTextPrimary ?? #ffffff
Primary border color colorTextSecondary
string #9DA2AD
Secondary text color colorBgPrimary
string #1B2432
Primary bg color colorBgSecondary
string #2B313E
Secondary bg color colorTextAccent
string #ffffff
Accent text color colorTextAccentHover
string #ffffffCC
Accent hover text color colorBgAccentFrom
string #73D393
Accent bg gradient from
string #34855E
Accent bg gradient to
string #73D393CC
Accent hover bg gradient from
string #162435
Accent hover bg gradient to
string #9DA2AD80
Neutral text color colorBgNeutral
string #9DA2AD33
Neutral bg color colorTextLoading
string #ffffff99
Loading text color colorTextError
string #EF4444
Error text color colorTextWarning
string #AFA58D
Warning text color colorIcon
string global?.color?.colorTextPrimary ?? #ffffff
Warning text color
path: global.size[name]
name type default value description gap
string 0.25rem
General flex gap spacer
string 4px
General spacer fontSizeBase
string 16px
Font size base lineHeightBase
string 24px
Line height base fontSizeXs
string 12px
Font size xs lineHeightXs
string 16px
Line height xs fontSizeSm
string 14px
Font size sm lineHeightSm
string 20px
Line height sm fontSizeLg
string 18px
Font size lg lineHeightLg
string 28px
Line height lg iconSize
string 20px
Icon size base iconSizeSm
string 24px
Icon size sm iconSecondarySize
string 16px
Icon secondary size iconSecondarySizeSm
string 16px
Icon secondary size sm labelFontSize
string config?.global?.size?.fontSizeXs ?? 12px
Label font size labelLineHeight
string config?.global?.size?.lineHeightXs ?? 16px
Label font size labelLineHeight
string config?.global?.size?.lineHeightXs ?? 16px
Label font size
name type default value description radiusPrimary
string 1rem
General border radius radiusSecondary
string 1rem
Secondary border radius fontWeightLight
string 300
Font weight light fontWeightMedium
string 500
Font weight medium fontWeightBold
string 700
Font weight bold actionOpacity
string 1
Action element opacity actionOpacityHover
string 0.8
Action hover element opacity
path: component.notification[name]
name type default value description color.colorBg
string config?.global?.color?.colorBgSecondary ?? #2B313E
Notification bg color
path: component.popup[name]
name type default value description color.colorText
string config?.global?.color?.colorTextSecondary ?? #9DA2AD
Popup text color color.colorBg
string config?.global?.color?.colorBgSecondary ?? #2B313E
Popup bg color color.colorBorder
string config?.global?.color?.colorTextSecondary ?? #9DA2AD
Popup bg color size.fontSize
string config?.global?.size?.fontSizeXs ?? 12px
Popup font size
path: component.popupList[name]
name type default value description color.itemBgEven
string transparent
Popup list even item bg color color.itemBgOdd
string #2A3648
Popup list odd item bg color color.headerBg
string #1B2432
Popup list header bg color
path: component.tabGroup[name]
name type default value description size.px
string global.size.spacer * 3
Tab group padding inline
path: component.tabContent[name]
name type default value description
string global.size.spacer * 3
Tab content padding top size.px
string 0px
Tab content padding inline size.pb
string global.size.spacer * 9
Tab content padding bottom
string global.size.spacer * 2
Tab content flex gap
name type default value description size.px
string global.size.spacer * 9
Tab padding inline
string global.size.spacer * 3
Tab padding block size.fontSize
string global.size.fontSizeSm
Tab font size color.colorBg
string global.color.colorBgNeutral
Tab bg color color.colorText
string global.color.colorTextNeutral
Tab text color color.selectColorText
string global.color.colorTextPrimary
Tab select text color color.colorTextHover
string global.color.colorTextPrimaryHover
Tab hover text color style.fontWeight
Tab font weight style.lineHeight
string global.size.lineHeightSm
Tab line height
path: component.balance[name]
name type default value description size.px
string global.size.spacer * 3
Balance padding inline
Balance flex gap size.fontSize
string global.size.fontSizeLg
Balance font size size.lineHeight
string global.size.lineHeightLg
Balance line height size.priceFontSize
string global.size.fontSizeBase
Balance price font size size.priceLineHeight
string global.size.lineHeightBase
Balance price line height color.colorText
string global.color.colorTextPrimary
Balance text color color.priceColorText
string global.color.colorTextSecondary
Balance price text color
path: component.inputGroup[name]
name type default value description size.px
string global.size.spacer * 3
Input group padding inline
Input group flex gap
path: component.input[name]
name type default value description size.px
string global.size.spacer * 3
Input padding inline
string global.size.spacer * 2
Input padding block
string * 2
Input flex gap size.priceGap
string * 2
Input flex gap size.iconSize
string global.size.iconSize
Input icon size size.iconSizeSm
string global.size.iconSizeSm
Input icon size sm size.labelFontSize
string global.size.fontSizeSm
Input label line height size.labelLineHeight
string global.size.lineHeightSm
Input label font size size.fontSize
string global.size.fontSizeSm
Input font size size.lineHeight
string global.size.lineHeightSm
Input line height size.fontSizeLg
string global.size.fontSizeLg
Input font size lg size.lineHeightLg
string global.size.lineHeightLg
Input line height lg size.tokenFontSize
string global.size.fontSizeXs
Input token font size size.tokenLineHeight
string global.size.lineHeightXs
Input token line height size.tokenFontSizeSm
string global.size.fontSizeBase
Input token font size sm size.tokenLineHeightSm
string global.size.lineHeightBase
Input token line height sm size.buttonPx
string global.size.spacer * 2
Input button padding inline size.buttonPy
string global.size.spacer
Input button padding block size.buttonFontSize
string global?.size?.fontSizeXs
Input button font size size.buttonLineHeight
string global?.size?.lineHeightXs
Input button line height color.textColor
string global.color.colorTextPrimary
Input text color color.loadingTextColor
string global.color.colorTextLoading
Input loading text color color.bgColor
string global.color.colorBgNeutral
Input bg color color.bgColorFocus
string transparent
Input bg color color.borderColor
string #4C505B
Input border color color.borderColorFocus
string global.color.colorTextPrimary
Input border focus color color.placeholderColor
string global.color.colorTextSecondary
Input placeholder color color.buttonBgColor
string global.color.colorBgSecondary
Input button bg color color.buttonBorderColor
string global.color.colorBgAccentTo
Input button border color color.buttonTextColor
string global.color.colorTextPrimary
Input button text color style.radius
Input border radius style.labelFontWeight
Input label font weight style.fontWeight
Input font weight style.tokenFontWeight
Input token font weight style.buttonRadius
string 30px
Input button border radius
path: component.tooltip[name]
name type default value description color.colorBg
string #12171F
Tooltip bg color color.colorText
string #ffffff
Tooltip bg color
path: component.switch[name]
name type default value description color.colorBgChecked
string #152E4D
Switch checked bg color color.colorBg
string #4C505B
Switch unchecked bg color
path: component.actionButton[name]
name type default value description size.borderWidth
string 1px
Action button border width color.colorBgFrom
string global.color.colorBgAccentFrom
Action button bg gradient color from color.colorBgTo
string global.color.colorBgAccentTo
Action button bg gradient color to color.colorBgFromHover
string global.color.colorBgAccentFromHover
Action button hover bg gradient color from color.colorBgToHover
string global.color.colorBgAccentTo
Action button hover bg gradient color to color.colorBorder
string global.color.colorBgAccentFrom
Action button border color color.colorText
string global.color.colorTextAccent
Action button text color color.colorText
string global.color.colorTextAccent
Action button text color color.outlineColorBorder
string #ffffff33
Action outline button border color color.outlineColorBorderHover
string #ffffffCC
Action outline button hover border color color.outlineColorText
string global.color.colorTextPrimary
Action outline button text color
path: component.meta[name]
name type default value description
Meta flex gap size.px
string global.size.spacer * 3
Meta padding inline color.linkTextColor
string global.color.colorBgAccentFrom
Meta link text color color.panelBgHover
Meta panel hover bg
Translation keys
name type default value description depositSlippageWarning
string Excludes entry fee. withdrawSlippageWarning
string Slippage only applies to single asset withdrawals and withdrawals from vaults with debt positions in Aave. minSlippageWarning
string Flexible min slippage value that is likely enough to process the transaction. highSlippageWarning
string We recommend using another asset to trade with lower slippage. recommendedMinSlippage
string Recommended Min Slippage projectedDailyEarningsTooltip
string Projected daily earnings are based on the current APY and may differ from actual earnings. dailyEarnings
string Daily Earnings projectedYearlyEarningsTooltip
string Projected yearly earnings are based on the current APY and may differ from actual earnings. yearlyEarnings
string Yearly Earnings fullReceiveDetails
string See full details influencing what you will receive. tradeDetails
string Trade details maxSlippage
string Max slippage minReceiveAmount
string You will receive no less than this amount. minReceived
string Minimum Received estimatedMultiAssetFractions
string Estimated multi asset fractions infinite
string Infinite tokenAllowance
string Token Allowance entryFee
string Entry Fee entryFeeExplanation
string When you deposit, the token takes a small entry fee. This fee helps cover the costs when we rebalance the underlying funds, and it's shared among all token holders. minDepositUsd
string Minimum deposit in USD. minDeposit
string Minimum Deposit tokensLockTime
string Purchased tokens will have a {lockTime} lock. slippageTolerance
string Slippage tolerance bypassEntryFee
string Bypass Entry Fee tokenAmountToApprove
string Amount of tokens to be approved. auto
string Auto lengthenLockup
string Lengthen lockup to remove entry fee deposit
string Buy withdraw
string Sell yourBalance
string Your Balance max
string Max allAssets
string All Assets all
string All payWith
string Pay with buyEstimated
string Buy (estimated) sell
string Sell receiveEstimated
string Receive (estimated) confirmInWallet
string Please confirm in wallet pending
string Pending... approve
string Approve connectWallet
string Connect Wallet minimumPurchase
string Minimum purchase is ${value} poolIsInactive
string {poolSymbol} token is no longer active. Please withdraw from them. poolIsPrivate
string This vault is currently private updateOracles
string Update Oracles checkingOracles
string Checking Oracles confirmMaxSlippage
string Confirm {slippagePercentage}% max slippage withdrawalWindowDisabled
string You can sell your {tokenSymbol} tokens during withdrawal window period starting from {startTime} withdrawalLiquidityDisabled
string Intended withdraw value is greater than available liquidity ({value}) withdrawCooldown
string You can sell your {tokenSymbol} tokens in {cooldownEndTime} termsOfUse
string Terms Of Use termOfUseDepositListTitle
string Please know the following before depositing termOfUseDepositAssetSlippage
string When exiting, investors receive single asset or the underlying vault assets. Withdraw slippage can be customized in withdraw settings termOfUseDepositBugs
string There may be interface bugs on the platform termOfUseDepositDowntime
string There may be interface downtime (planned and unplanned) termOfUseDepositAuditRisk
string Smart contracts are audited but a risk is still present termOfUseDepositAccept
string Accept & Deposit back
string Back highSlippage
string High Slippage Alert responsibleHighSlippage
string By proceeding with this trade, you acknowledge and accept the possibility of experiencing high slippage, resulting in a potential difference between the expected and executed price. highSlippageListTitle
string Please consider the following before confirming highSlippageQuoteDiff
string Be aware that the final amount of assets you receive may be different from the initially quoted value. highSlippageRisk
string Ensure that you understand the risks associated with high slippage and are comfortable proceeding with the trade. confirm
string Confirm selectToken
string Select Token sendingOrderToWallet
string Sending order to your wallet settingUpTx
string Setting up transaction miningTx
string Processing updateSynthetixOracles
string Updating Synthetix Oracles approveSpending
string Approve {symbol} spending pay
string Pay multiAssetFractions
string multi asset fractions swappableAssets
string swappable assets explorer
string Explorer as
string As switchNetwork
string Switch Network depositAction
string Buy withdrawAction
string Sell swapAction
string Swap unrollAction
string Unroll unrollAndClaimAction
string Claim claimAction
string Claim Without Swap claimLabel
string Claim Assets swapAndClaimTo
string Swap and claim assets to initWithdrawDescription
string Unroll initWithdrawTooltip
string Unroll prepares assets for single asset withdrawal completeWithdrawDescription
string Claim completeWithdrawTooltip
string This final step swaps all assets to a single asset and sends it to your wallet unrollAndClaimDescription
string Claim total
string Total: showAll
string Show All hide
string Hide refreshSwapQuoteTooltip
string Refresh swap quote proceedWithNextStep
string Please proceed with the next step.
Follow the steps below to set up the project for local development:
Install Dependencies: Use
to install all required dependencies:pnpm install
Update Alchemy API Key: Replace the placeholder Alchemy API key in the file:
Implement getSwapData in:
Run Storybook
pnpm storybook