Index and search PDF sources (files and URLs) using Apache Lucene and PDFBox
- Open Source hosted at
- License based on license of libraries used (see pom.xml)
- Maven based Java project including JUnit 4 tests.
- git clone
- cd pdfindexer
- mvn install
see test folder for example input and results
Source: Nudge PDF
Result: Nudge PDF Index
java -jar target/com.bitplan.pdfindex-0.0.1.jar --sourceFileList test/pdffiles.lst --idxfile test/index2 --outputfile test/html/pdfindex.html --searchWordList test/searchwords.txt --root test/ resulting html file is in test/html/pdfindex.html
resulting html file is in test/html/pdfindex.html
PDF text from Nudge
- Source:
- Keywords: searchwords.txt
- Result: Nudge PDF Index
Pdfindexer Version: 0.0.3
usage: java com.bitplan.pdfindexer.Pdfindexer
--title VAL : title to be used in html result
-d (--debug) : debug
create additional debug output if this switch
is used
-e (--autoescape) : autoescape blanks
set to off if you'd like to use lucene query
-f (--src) VAL : source url, directory/or file
-h (--help) : help
show this usage
-i (--idxfile) VAL : index file
-k (--keyWords) VAL : search
comma separated list of keywords to search
-l (--sourceFileList) VAL : path to ascii-file with source urls,directories
or file names
one url/file/directory may be specified by line
-m (--maxHits) N : maximum number of hits per keyword
-o (--outputfile) VAL : (html) output file
the output file will contain the search result
with links to the pages in the pdf files that
haven been searched
-p (--templatePath) VAL : path to Freemarker template file(s) to be used
to format the output
-r (--root) VAL : root
if a root is specified the paths in the
sourceFileList and in the output will be
considered relative to this root path
-s (--silent) : stay silent
do not create any output on System.out if this
switch is used
-t (--templateName) VAL : name of Freemarker template to be used
-v (--version) : showVersion
show current version if this switch is used
-w (--searchKeyWordList) VAL : file with search words