This project is heavily based on @rappasoft 's laravel/boilerplate
If you wish to support a project please support him, or one of this project's dependencies, such as spatie or calebporzio, to name a couple.
- OAuth2 Server
- Permissions Role User with Livewire Datatable Frontend.
- Admin Impersonation of Users
- Menu Management Crud
- Assignable Menus for Each User
- Alpha Docs
- Must first complete Alpha Checklist
- Implement openapi documentation for OAuth server with swagger frontend.
- Restful API for key resources.
- Documentation Guidelines, and support libraries for extending API
- Build a Service or Client library for consuming API
- Documented Guidelines and Support Libraries for extending Client
- Must first complete Beta Checklist
- Ability to share and consume "key resourses" to and from instances
- Implement SSO with an open source email client
- Implement ability to manage auth for Nexcloud server (Supports OAuth2)
- Must first complete RC Checklist
- Deployment Pipelines
- Openid connect
- Perfect Documentation, tutorials, and internal wikis
- Maintain, Implement and Test inflow of new features
- Build and implement in-house, in-app, integrated bug reporter
- Laravel Jetstream with Livewire
- Full Featured Laravel Passport api in place of of Laravel Sanctum
- A full OAuth2 server, complete with Tailwind Styled Client and Token Management UI in minutes!
email [email protected]
password secret
cd /home/forge/
if [ -f artisan ]; then
php artisan down
if [ -d ./vendor ]; then
rm -rf ./vendor
git fetch --all; git reset --hard origin/$BRANCH; git pull origin $BRANCH ;
$FORGE_COMPOSER install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
( flock -w 10 9 || exit 1
echo 'Restarting FPM...'; sudo -S service $FORGE_PHP_FPM reload ) 9>/tmp/fpmlock
if [ -f artisan ]; then
# $FORGE_PHP artisan migrate:refresh --seed
# $FORGE_PHP artisan up
./vendor/bin/envoy run dev
php artisan up
git clone
cd jetport-menus
composer install
edit .env
./vendor/bin/envoy run dev
./vendor/bin/envoy run dev --test
Or follow steps in dev
task in Envoy.blade.php:
@task('dev', ['on'=> 'localhost'])
php artisan icon:cache
php artisan key:generate
npm install && npm run dev
php artisan storage:link
php artisan passport:keys
php artisan db:wipe
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
{{ isset($test) ? 'php artisan test' : '' }}
email [email protected]
password secret
composer test
composer format