The Open Accessible Summaries In Language Studies (OASIS) initiative aims to make research findings on language learning and teaching available and accessible to a wide audience.
Emma Marsden (University of York; project coordinator)
Sible Andringa (University of Amsterdam)
Laura Collins (Concordia University)
Carrie Jackson (Penn State University)
Luke Plonsky (Georgetown University)
Rowena Kasprowicz (University of York)
Elizabeth Bailey
Rowena Kasprowicz
David O’Reilly
Fatma Said
Catherine van Beuningen
Lais de Oliveira Borges
Ines Martin
June Ruivivar
Sophie Thompson
American Council for Teachers of Foreign
Languages: ACTFL (Ali Moeller)
Association for Language Learning: ALL (Annalise Gordon)
Centre for Applied Linguistics: CAL (Joel Gomez)
International Federation of Foreign Language Teaching Associations: FIPLV (Terry Lamb)
Tenax Schools Trust (Ian Bauckham)
- Assume that Docker is avaiable
❯ docker-compose --version ═
docker-compose version 1.24.1, build 4667896b
Generate local ssh key
ssh-keygen -i rsa docker/oasis_id_rsa
- Set .env with Docker variables. Use .env.template as starting point
cp .env.template .env
Customise as required
- Set config/application.yml
# Used by SMTP for workflow email notification, once enabled
# oasis_host:
application_database_adapter: postgresql
application_database_name: oasis
application_database_host: postgresdb
application_database_username: oasis
application_database_password: oasis
fedora_base_path: /oasis-development
fedora_url: http://fcrepo:8080/fcrepo/rest
fits_path: /fits/
log_level: error
redis_namespace: oasis-public
realtime_notifications: 'false'
redis_host: redis
redis_port: '6379'
solr_url: http://solr:8983/solr/hyrax-development
secret_key_base: xxxx
- Build docker images. Note this will take up to 1h depending on network and laptop speed.
❯ docker compose build
# Check images builded
❯ docker compose images
oasis-docker-app-1 oasis-docker-app latest dd2e3a780415 4.06GB
oasis-docker-console-1 oasis-docker-console latest f65bc54e190c 4.06GB
oasis-docker-fcrepo-1 ualbertalib/docker-fcrepo4 4.7 15806dadb895 603MB
oasis-docker-postgresdb-1 postgres 12-alpine f976fa42a711 230MB
oasis-docker-redis-1 redis 5 99ee9af2b6b1 110MB
oasis-docker-solr-1 solr 7-alpine 64cb096f9679 300MB
oasis-docker-web-1 oasis-docker-web latest 28960e732066 4.06GB
- Start your docker stack
❯ docker compose up
lots of logs
# Check status from an other terminal
❯ docker compose ps ⏎ ═ ✹ ✚
oasis-docker-fcrepo-1 ualbertalib/docker-fcrepo4:4.7 " run" fcrepo About an hour ago Up About an hour>8080/tcp
oasis-docker-postgresdb-1 postgres:12-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" postgresdb About an hour ago Up About an hour (unhealthy)>5432/tcp
oasis-docker-redis-1 redis:5 "docker-entrypoint.s…" redis About an hour ago Up About an hour (healthy)>6379/tcp
oasis-docker-solr-1 solr:7-alpine "solr-precreate hyra…" solr About an hour ago Up About an hour (healthy)>8983/tcp
oasis-docker-web-1 oasis-docker-web "/bin/docker-entrypo…" web 54 minutes ago Up 53 minutes>3000/tcp
The local source code is shared with Docker ${APP_DIR} volume. Any changes to .erb files, while running rails servers in development mode, will be seen instantly. Changes to gems and new *.rb will require rebuild image. This should be faster as the process is staged.
The build process will create qazwsx:[email protected] admin user. Use this link to sign in
- Known issues
Solr data re not store at external volume. Remove Solr container to start fresh.
Upgrading hyrax application requires to rung DB migration, run docker-compose run web bundle exec rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
. The command will be executed on stoping web service with Control+C as web container starts rails server.
Hyrax app creates application PID at /var/run/hyrax/ Occasionally, restarting docker will not clean the file. On this occassion web service fails to start. Simply stop docker and start it again. Ultimetly, this can be also solved by removing web container with volumes and rebuild it.
docker-compose rm
docker volume rm oasis-docker_state
# all all Oasis volumes
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q|grep oasis)
You can connect to the rails console with pry environment: docker attach oasis-docker-console-1
where oasis-docker-console-1 is the name of the container to connect to. You can also debug Ruby code by adding binding. pry
at *.erb or *.rb source code and restart docker. When the execution of the app code hits the above trap, the execution stops, and you can attach terming to this application state by running docker attach oasis-docker-web-1
. Now you can inspect the code variables and many more. For more information on how to use Pry IRB, see this link.