A tool for interacting with the hdbits api and downloading torrents
- Linux, OS X, Windows
- Python 2.7
- Python packages: lxml, requests, bs4
pip install lxml requests bs4
To run the program, type
$ python pyhdbtools.py --makeconf
You will need to know your hdbits username, passkey, and where to store the fetched .torrent files
To auto fetch featured torrents you must first save a copy of the featured queue as an html file, then feed that into the program. This is required as the site forbids tools scraping the site. Once you have saved the file, you can run the following command to add all of the upcoming featured torrents to the watchlist.
$ python pyhdbtools.py --update-featured featuredqueue.html
You can then tell the app to check the upcoming queue to see if any of them are available for freeleech.
$ python pyhdbtools.py --fetch-featured
pyhdbtools.py [OPTIONS] [FILE]
-f, --fetch-free
Checks the most recent 30 uploads and downloads any that are freeleech
-F, --fetch-featured
Checks the list of upcoming featured torrents and downloads any that are freeleech. High number
of API calls. Not recommended to be run more than once every 5 minutes.
-h, --help
display this help and exits
Generates json.config and exits
-q, --scrape-queue
fetches featuredqueue.html from hdbits.org and updates watchlist. Requires valid cookie set. Will
likely get you banned. Use --update-featured instead.
-t, -torrentid ######
Download .torrent file of the matching id
-u, --update-featured filename.html
Processes the "Featured Torrents Queue" page from hdbits and adds them to a watchlist. Local
files only. Does not accept URLs avoid breaking rule prohibiting site scraping.
Shows version number
Bypasses checks to not download dupes
Skips SSL verification for API queries
Verbose output
Sample crontab to check new torrents every minute and featured torrents every 5 minutes
* * * * * /usr/bin/python ~/pyhdbtools/pyhdbtools.py --fetch-free
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/python ~/pyhdbtools/pyhdbtools.py --fetch-featured
config.json is created in the following format:
"cookie": {
"hash": "1a2b3c4d1a2b3c4d1a2b3c4d1a2b3c4d",
"uid": "1234567",
"pass": "5e6f7a8b5e6f7a8b5e6f7a8b5e6f7a8b"