Self hosted music database/streaming server compatible with opensubsonic clients.
was an attempt to replace Spotify/Apple Music with a self-hosted alternative. However, I am no longer working on it since it can’t match the convenience of commercial streaming services:
Music Library Access
Streaming services make it super easy to browse an artist’s catalog and play tracks not already in a local library. -
Better Playlists
Auto-generated playlists on Spotify/Apple Music are hard to beat, thanks to the massive amount of user data they use. ListenBrainz playlists are decent, but they didn’t seem as good.
Airsonic Web Client | Amperfy iOS Client |
~/d/c/s/sonar-cli (main)> sonar playlist list
sonar:playlist:4000001 2000s Mix
sonar:playlist:4000002 Discover Weekly
sonar:playlist:4000003 Chill Mix
sonar:playlist:4000004 2010s Mix
sonar:playlist:4000005 Daily Mix 1
sonar:playlist:4000006 Daily Mix 3
sonar:playlist:4000007 Metal Mix
sonar:playlist:4000008 Daily Mix 2
sonar:playlist:4000009 Upbeat Mix
sonar:playlist:400000a Daily Mix 5
sonar:playlist:400000b Daily Mix 4
sonar:playlist:400000c Blues Mix
sonar:playlist:400000d Daily Mix 6
sonar:playlist:400000e Rock Mix
sonar:playlist:400000f Daily Jams for diogo464, 2024-04-23 Tue
sonar:playlist:4000010 Weekly Exploration for diogo464, week of 2024-04-22 Mon
sonar:playlist:4000011 Weekly Jams for diogo464, week of 2024-04-22 Mon
sonar:playlist:4000012 Weekly Exploration for diogo464, week of 2024-04-15 Mon
sonar:playlist:4000013 Top Discoveries of 2023 for diogo464
sonar:playlist:4000014 Top Missed Recordings of 2023 for diogo464
sonar:playlist:4000015 Daily Jams for diogo464, 2024-04-24 Wed
sonar:playlist:4000016 Daily Jams for diogo464, 2024-04-25 Thu
sonar:playlist:4000017 Daily Jams for diogo464, 2024-04-26 Fri
sonar:playlist:4000018 Weekly Jams for diogo464, week of 2024-04-25 Thu
sonar:playlist:4000019 Daily Jams for diogo464, 2024-04-27 Sat
Usage: sonar [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--server <SERVER> [env: SONAR_SERVER=] [default: http://localhost:3000]
--json [env: SONAR_JSON=]
-h, --help Print help
# listen address for grpc api
# listen address for opensubsonic api
# data directory
# default admin username. created if it does not already exist.
# default admin password.
## spotify integration (optional)
# spotify username for the account used to download songs.
# spotify password
# spotify api client id
# spotify api secret key
This crate provides types to work with the OpenSubsonic API. Right now it is mainly focused on implementing server-side functionality.
A server can be created by implementing the [service::OpenSubsonicServer
] trait.
Then a [tower::Service
] can be created from it using [service::OpenSubsonicService::new
An example can be found in the [service
] module.
Usage: opensubsonic [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
add-chat-message Adds a message to the chat log
change-password Changes the password of an existing Subsonic user, using the following parameters. You can only change your own password unless you have admin privileges
create-bookmark Creates or updates a bookmark (a position within a media file). Bookmarks are personal and not visible to other users
create-internet-radio-station Adds a new internet radio station. Only users with admin privileges are allowed to call this method
create-playlist Creates (or updates) a playlist
create-podcast-channel Adds a new Podcast channel. Note: The user must be authorized for Podcast administration (see Settings > Users > User is allowed to administrate Podcasts)
create-share Creates a public URL that can be used by anyone to stream music or video from the Subsonic server. The URL is short and suitable for posting on Facebook, Twitter etc. Note: The user must be authorized to share (see Settings > Users > User is allowed to share files with anyone)
create-user Creates a new Subsonic user, using the following parameters
delete-bookmark Deletes the bookmark for a given file
delete-internet-radio-station Deletes an existing internet radio station. Only users with admin privileges are allowed to call this method
delete-playlist Deletes a saved playlist
delete-podcast-channel Deletes a Podcast channel. Note: The user must be authorized for Podcast administration (see Settings > Users > User is allowed to administrate Podcasts)
delete-podcast-episode Deletes a Podcast episode. Note: The user must be authorized for Podcast administration (see Settings > Users > User is allowed to administrate Podcasts)
delete-share Deletes an existing share
delete-user Deletes an existing Subsonic user, using the following parameters
download Downloads a given media file. Similar to [`Stream`], but this method returns the original media data without transcoding or downsampling
download-podcast-episode Request the server to start downloading a given Podcast episode. Note: The user must be authorized for Podcast administration (see Settings > Users > User is allowed to administrate Podcasts)
get-album Returns details for an album, including a list of songs
get-album-info Returns album notes, image URLs etc, using data from <>
get-album-info2 Similar to [`GetAlbumInfo`], but organizes music according to ID3 tags
get-album-list Returns a list of random, newest, highest rated etc. albums. Similar to the album lists on the home page of the Subsonic web interface
get-album-list2 Similar to [`GetAlbumList`], but organizes music according to ID3 tags
get-artist Returns details for an artist, including a list of albums
get-artist-info Returns artist info with biography, image URLs and similar artists, using data from <>
get-artist-info2 Similar to [`GetArtistInfo`], but organizes music according to ID3 tags
get-artists Represents the parameters for the `getArtists` request
get-avatar Returns the avatar (personal image) for a user
get-bookmarks Returns all bookmarks for this user. A bookmark is a position within a certain media file
get-captions Returns captions (subtitles) for a video. Use getVideoInfo to get a list of available captions
get-chat-messages Returns the current visible (non-expired) chat messages
get-cover-art Returns a cover art image
get-genres Returns all genres
get-indexes Returns an indexed structure of all artists
get-internet-radio-stations Returns all internet radio stations. Takes no extra parameters
get-license <>
get-lyrics Searches for and returns lyrics for a given song
get-music-directory Returns a listing of all files in a music directory. Typically used to get list of albums for an artist, or list of songs for an album
get-music-folders Returns all configured top-level music folders. Takes no extra parameters
get-newest-podcasts Returns the most recently published Podcast episodes
get-now-playing Returns what is currently being played by all users. Takes no extra parameters
get-playlist Returns a listing of files in a saved playlist
get-playlists Returns all playlists a user is allowed to play
get-play-queue Returns the state of the play queue for this user (as set by [`SavePlayQueue`]). This includes the tracks in the play queue, the currently playing track, and the position within this track. Typically used to allow a user to move between different clients/apps while retaining the same play queue (for instance when listening to an audio book)
get-podcasts Returns all Podcast channels the server subscribes to, and (optionally) their episodes. This method can also be used to return details for only one channel - refer to the id parameter. A typical use case for this method would be to first retrieve all channels without episodes, and then retrieve all episodes for the single channel the user selects
get-random-songs Returns random songs matching the given criteria
get-scan-status Returns the current status for media library scanning. Takes no extra parameters
get-shares Returns information about shared media this user is allowed to manage. Takes no extra parameters
get-similar-songs Returns a random collection of songs from the given artist and similar artists, using data from Typically used for artist radio features
get-similar-songs2 Similar to [`GetSimilarSongs`], but organizes music according to ID3 tags
get-song Returns details for a song
get-songs-by-genre Returns songs in a given genre
get-starred Returns starred songs, albums and artists
get-starred2 Returns starred songs, albums and artists
get-top-songs Returns top songs for the given artist, using data from <>
get-user Get details about a given user, including which authorization roles and folder access it has. Can be used to enable/disable certain features in the client, such as jukebox control
get-users Get details about all users, including which authorization roles and folder access they have. Only users with admin privileges are allowed to call this method
get-video-info Returns details for a video, including information about available audio tracks, subtitles (captions) and conversions
get-videos Represents a request to retrieve all video files
hls Creates an HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) playlist used for streaming video or audio. HLS is a streaming protocol implemented by Apple and works by breaking the overall stream into a sequence of small HTTP-based file downloads. It's supported by iOS and newer versions of Android. This method also supports adaptive bitrate streaming, see the bitRate parameter
jubebox-control Controls the jukebox, i.e., playback directly on the server's audio hardware. Note: The user must be authorized to control the jukebox (see Settings > Users > User is allowed to play files in jukebox mode)
ping <>
refresh-podcasts Requests the server to check for new Podcast episodes. Note: The user must be authorized for Podcast administration (see Settings > Users > User is allowed to administrate Podcasts)
save-play-queue Saves the state of the play queue for this user. This includes the tracks in the play queue, the currently playing track, and the position within this track. Typically used to allow a user to move between different clients/apps while retaining the same play queue (for instance when listening to an audio book)
scrobble Registers the local playback of one or more media files. Typically used when playing media that is cached on the client. This operation includes the following: - "Scrobbles" the media files on if the user has configured his/her credentials on the Subsonic server (Settings > Personal). - Updates the play count and last played timestamp for the media files. (Since 1.11.0) - Makes the media files appear in the "Now playing" page in the web app, and appear in the list of songs returned by [`GetNowPlaying`] (Since 1.11.0) Since 1.8.0 you may specify multiple id (and optionally time) parameters to scrobble multiple files
search Returns a listing of files matching the given search criteria. Supports paging through the result
search2 Returns albums, artists and songs matching the given search criteria. Supports paging through the result
search3 Similar to [`Search2`], but organizes music according to ID3 tags
set-rating Sets the rating for a music file
star Attaches a star to a song, album or artist
start-scan Initiates a rescan of the media libraries. Takes no extra parameters
unstar Removes the star from a song, album or artist
update-internet-radio-station Updates an existing internet radio station. Only users with admin privileges are allowed to call this method
update-playlist Updates a playlist. Only the owner of a playlist is allowed to update it
update-share Updates the description and/or expiration date for an existing share
update-user Modifies an existing Subsonic user, using the following parameters
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--server <SERVER> The server to connect to [env: OPENSUBSONIC_SERVER=] [default: http://localhost:3000]
--client <CLIENT> The client string to use [env: OPENSUBSONIC_CLIENT=] [default: opensubsonic-cli]
--username <USERNAME> The username to use [env: OPENSUBSONIC_USERNAME=]
--password <PASSWORD> The password to use [env: OPENSUBSONIC_PASSWORD=]
--format <FORMAT> The format to use [env: OPENSUBSONIC_FORMAT=] [default: json]
-h, --help Print help