SesameSDK on iOS is a delightful Bluetooth library for your iOS app. The official Sesame app is built on this SesameSDK. By using SesameSDK, your app will have ALL functions and features that Sesame app has, which means, you will be able to
- Register Sesame
- Lock door
- Unlock door
- Share keys
- Read door history
- Update Sesame firmware
- Configure Sesame name
- Configure Auto-lock
- Configure angles
- Get battery status
with your app.
Please note, SesameSDK currently only supports Sesame 2 and Sesame 2 mini which will be available in late 2020.
- Download SesameSDK and try the included iPhone sample app.
- Read Google Slides documentation.
Import the following frameworks
- Candyhouse.framework
- SesameSDK.framework
- AWSAPIGateway.framework
- AWSAuthCore.framework
- AWSCognitoIdentityProvider.framework
- AWSCognitoIdentityProviderASF.framework
- AWSCore.framework
- AWSMobileClient.framework
Minimum iOS Target | Minimum Bluetooth Target | Minimum IDE |
iOS 11.4 | Bluetooth 4.0 LE | Xcode 11.4 |
: Bluetooth interface -
: Web APIs interface -
class CHAccountManager {
public static let shared
public func setupLoginSession(identityProvider: CHLoginProvider)
public func login(result: @escaping (CHAccountManager, CHApiResult) -> Void)
public func logout()
class CHBleManager {
public func enableScan()
public func disableScan()
public func getSesame(identifier: String) -> CHSesameBleInterface?
public func discoverALLDevices() { result in
if case .success(let devices) = result {}
public protocol CHBleManagerDelegate : AnyObject {
func didDiscoverSesame(device: CHSesameBleInterface)
public protocol CHSesameBleInterface : AnyObject {
var delegate: CHSesameBleDeviceDelegate?
// Device Info
var deviceId: UUID?
var customNickname: String?
var accessLevel: SesameSDK.CHDeviceAccessLevel?
var model: SesameSDK.CHDeviceModel
var deviceBleId: String
var isRegistered: Bool
var identifier: String
// Status
var connectStatus: CBPeripheralState?
var deviceStatus: CHDeviceStatus
var mechStatus: CHSesameMechStatus?
var mechSetting: CHSesameMechSettings?
var rssi: NSNumber
// Connect / disconnect
func connect()
func disconnect()
// Bluetooth operations
func lock()
func unlock()
func configureLockPosition(configure: SesameSDK.CHSesameLockPositionConfiguration)
func register(nickname: String, _ callback: @escaping (CHApiResult) -> Void)
func unregister()
- If you found a bug, and can provide steps to reliably reproduce it, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
- If you believe you have identified a security vulnerability with SesameSDK, you should report it as soon as possible via email to [email protected] Please do not post it to a public issue tracker.
SesameSDK is owned and maintained by CANDY HOUSE, Inc. under the MIT License.