- About
- Project Description
- Project Roadmap
- User Flowchart
- How to upload custom font style?
- How to run?
- Deployment Links
- Future Work
- Contributors
- Documents
This is the Turing Test Game Repository by the team "The Brainiacs" that will allow users to play games while guessing the correct translation.
The project is an interactive Turing test game for player and game admin. The target players of the game are visitors in outreach events. A set of sentences, including one in the original language and several translations of different quality, is shown to the player. The player is challenged to identify the human translation from the set. All the Machine Traslation is from the National Research Council of Canada’s (NRC) Multilingual Text Processing team.
- Jira project to track and document user stories/features and sprints link.
- Bi-weekly team meeting with Daniel on every Tuesday, 4pm
- Bi-weekly team meeting with Jackie on every Monday, 11:30am, also keeping updated with Slack.
- You can check the user flowchart here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFTFqsQKds/8sIHugDhbJEfhaqG2wr51Q/view?utm_content=DAFTFqsQKds&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
- Select the font that you want to have from Google font style
- Update the
import insideindex.js
- Clone the repository to local by running the command:
git clone https://github.com/The-Brainiacs-FSE/TuringTestGame.git
- Within command line console, run install command to install necessary packages and solve depencency issue
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
- Run test command to check the test suits
npm test
- Run run below command to start the app in the development mode
npm start
Note: Redirect to http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser. The page will automatically reload when you make the changes.
- Visit Install Docker and install docker if you haven't already.
- Build application with following command
docker build -t turingtestgame .
- Start docker image within container with following command (mapped to port 3000 by default):
docker run -p 3000:3000 -it turingtestgame
Note: Redirect to http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser. The page will not automatically reload when you make the changes because the application is deployed within docker and you might have to run above commands again to see the changes in effect. For further details on docker image, could refer to this guide here.
- Production: https://turing-test-game.netlify.app/
- Staging: https://turing-test-game-stg.netlify.app/
Note: Whenever a PR is raised the deploy link will appear in the PR directly and through that you can view the changes specific to that PR.
- Add Monitoring to the website
- Deploy on a real server/cloud like AWS/Azure/GCP
- Improve documentation so that the new person joining the team can quickly take up.
- Need to solve the peer dependency issues while installing the packages.