This is Ezmeetup project React Native repository for PRJ666 course at Seneca college.
Debug APK Link - Here
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Also, all instructions are for Linux and MacOS. There is not much difference for Windows.
Latest nodejs and git should be installed on your local machine(v8.12.0 LTS or higher). To check if you have installed nodejs, run the following commands :
node -v
npm -v
Also, you need to install React Native CLI.
npm install -g react-native-cli
Depending on mobile platforms, JDK and Android Studio(for Android), and XCode(for iOS) are needed to develop React Native Mobile app.
See the details
Create an empty directory, change the directory to new directory, and clone the repo to local machine. For example,
mkdir ezmeetup-react-native-repo
cd ezmeetup-react-native-repo
git clone
And run the following codes :
npm install
If you see the directory called node_modules under the root directory of this repo(i.e. ezmeetup-react-native-repo), you installed it correctly.
To run the application, enter following commands on the root of react-native repo:
react-native run-android
react-native run-ios
cd android
./gradlew assembleDebug
We will add the test functionality later.
Change the DB settings under config directory.
- NodeJS - for running npm
- ReactNative - Native Mobile Apps
- Derrick Leung (Group Leader)
- Sina Kamali
- Yeonwoo Park