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phantasm4489 edited this page Jun 25, 2018 · 2 revisions
ACP will not start.
  1. Make sure ACP is being run from the startup-sequence or WB
  2. Goto an AmigaDos shell, go to the directory where the command is located and type ACP, this should give you an error message indicating that perhaps a file is missing. |
  3. Be sure that you have the ICON in the same directory as the Main Program
Express will not start, but ACP will.
  1. Make sure that if you are using a batch file to execute express that the batch file has a 's' bit assigned to it, ie:
               PROTECT S:BBS.Startup +s
                  batch filename
  1. Goto the directory in which express exists and type from a shell:
               Express 0
                       |___ (node number)

This should tell you why the program is not running.

ACP and EXPRESS run but express gurus every time someone enters the msgbase scan.
  1. The stack size of express is not getting set. You must have a stacksize of 50000 for this to work.
ACP comes up but there is no NODE buttons.
  1. Make sure the statement: NUMBER_OF_NODES x exists, where should be replaced with the number of nodes you are going to have.
My modems will not initialize
  1. Make sure the UNIT statements reflect the correct UNIT number.

  2. Make sure the DEVICE_NAME is correct.

  3. Make sure you have aMODEM_INIT string in the MODEM ICON.

In the CALLERSLOG: Error Reading MsgBase Pointer is listed
  1. Make sure you started the CONFDB Utility the Right way: 1> CONFDB BBS:CONF/ <max.Usernumber>
  2. Make sure CONF.DB is in each conference you have.
  3. Make sure that the Usernumber you choose in the creating of CONF.DB is not lower than the actual one.