An open-source, windows forms, .NET Framework application used to log coffee roasts
Currently targetting .NET Framework 4.8
This application uses the open-source library LiveCharts
- Provides a live chart of bean temperature and rate over time
- Tablet friendly
- Logs bean temperature via serial com port
- Saves log to a CSV file
- Provides quick roasting event buttons such as first crack start
- Provides a generic event button
- Screenshot of application (alt+prtscrn) allows for simple roast comparisons
Download the latest release and run RoastSharp.exe
- Click Settings
- Change settings if applicable
- Click Connect
- Once the smoothed bean temperature is active, click Start
- If you would like to mark your roast, click the FC Start, FC End, SC Start, SC End, and Event buttons where applicable
- When the roast is complete, click End
RoastSharp reads temperature from a serial port. The expected format is a single temperature measurement in deg Celsius per line.
This was tested with a MAX6675 chip connected to an arduino using this library and the following application:
#include "max6675.h"
#include <SPI.h>
int thermoSO = 8;
int thermoCS = 9;
int thermoSCK = 10;
MAX6675 thermocouple(thermoSCK, thermoCS, thermoSO);
void setup()
void loop()
Although the MAX6675 chip runs at just over 3 Hz, RoastSharp should technically work at any rate (untested!)
Development can be done through Visual Studio
The file names are self descriptive