It might be simplest to begin with a short bit of code:
covent::task<int> async_main() {
auto hw = "Hello World!";
for (auto c : hw) {
std::cout << c;
co_await covent::sleep(0.1);
std::cout << std::endl;
co_return 0;
int main() {
// Make a loop.
covent::Loop loop;
// Run the task.
return loop.run_task(async_main());
That code will execute the coroutine in an event loop. The coroutine prints Hello World a character at a time, sleeping (not really - suspending) for a tenth of a second between each character.
You can do more fun than that - like open a TCP session to somewhere with loop.add<Session>(...)
, and then calling session->connect(...) on the result. For which you'll need a sockaddr, which you can get from the resolver object - which you can configure to require DNSSEC, or inject weird records of your choosing into, or ...
And if you needed TLS, then of course there's a PKIX validator that's similarly tunable. And why yes, it will chase down DNSSEC records to add additional names, and fetch CRLs asynchronously, and ...
HTTP? Yes, there's an HTTP/1.1 library included, both server and client. The server is modelled as endpoints and middleware, so should be vaguely familiar to people who've seen Express.